Chapter 23

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Long ass chapter ahead! Atleast it's long for me lol.

Well this chapter is important, atleast for me so hope you all enjoy.



After 30 minutes, Liam slowly gets out of bed. He sees Louis in deep sleep and quickly takes a fresh shirt from his bag. He changes from his blood stained hoodie as soundlessly as possible and puts on the shirt as he silently leaves his room.

He goes towards the living room where he sees Niall and Harry sitting side by side as Harry silently cries.

"I'm sorry." Liam says as he enter the living room. Harry's head shot up and he looks at Liam.

"Is he okay?" Harry asked slightly panicking.

"He's asleep now." Liam says as he sighs and sits down on the couch beside Niall.

"I'm sorry." Harry says as he wipes his tears. "I don't know what happened suddenly." He says sadly.

"It's not your fault." Liam says with years eyes. "He hasn't self harmed in so long." He says brokenly as he looks down at his lap.

"But- why is he like this?" Niall asks hesitantly.

"I don't think I should say this because it's not my place to." He says sadly as Niall and Harry nod understanding. "It's just- he thinks that everyone will hate him uhm if they find out he is gay." He says silently. "Something h-happened in his past and it just scares him continously and now uhm Harry, you saw him self harming so he uh thinks that you will hate him too now and leave him." He says a little shakily.

Both the boys nod in understanding nit knowing what to say so Liam starts talking again.

"Harry if you don't mind can I ask you something?" He asks looking towards Harry as he nods as a sign for him to continue. "What exactly happened between you two a few minutes ago because I'm really shocked seeing Louis like this. He hasn't self harmed in like five years and probably something happened which thrilled him so can you please tell me what happened?" Liam says with pleading eyes as his face shows concern towards his best friend.

Harry shifts a little in his place, looking at his lap and fiddling with his fingers as he starts. "I- uh when I went to the g-garden he was smoking so I w-went and sat b-beside him and asked if he was o-okay or not." He starts but stutters alot. Niall keeps his hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "I asked if he wanted to t-talk or not but he said no, so I just t-told him that w-we are here for him if he wanted to talk and then suddenly he b-brokedown and started apologising." He says as his eyes stung with tears. He takes a deep breath before continuing. "I uh.. he well um h-hugged me and started c-crying more and he c-continously said that it was his f-fault, I don't know why. He uh was saying that his mum always called him b-but he never came and he kept on b-blaming himself and then-" He sucks in a sharp breathe when he remembers what Mark said, "Louis' dad came and called him a f-fag because we were h-hugging and Louis quickly pulled back and he c-came to the kitchen and then that happened." He says silently.

"Oh god." Liam sighs as he looks down at his lap. He was genuinely sad about what happened with Louis and he was angry at Mark for saying those things to Louis when he already knew Louis wasn't doing well because of his mother's death.

They sat there and spoke for more half an hour when Louis trotted towards the living room.

He clears his throat as he stands in the doorway of tge living room and looks at Liam.

"I-uh 'm taking your charger, cause I forgot to pack mine." He says silently.

"Sure, no problem." Liam smiles at him. "Are you okay?"

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