Chapter 31

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I hate this chapter.


Louis: Hey, I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow for our date ;) xx

Harry: Okay!!!!!

Harry: can't wait. xx

Louis: Me too! See ya.

Harry: Wait what should I wear?

Louis: whatever you like, you look good on everything ;)

Harry blushes. He didn't understand why a simple text from Louis made so much effect on him.

Harry: Are you taking me to a restaurant? Should I dress up fancy???

Louis: Wear something comfy

Harry: Nooo I don't wanna look like a fool.

Louis: You don't look like a fool at all Harry, wear whatever you want. Something formal and comfy.

Harry: OK

Harry: Anyways where are you taking me??

Louis: Aha!

Louis: It's surprise for a reason, Harold.

Harry: C'mon Lou plsss.

Harry: A small hint?

Harry: pretty please

Louis: See you tomorrow! xx

Harry: I hate you

Louis: no you don't :)

Harry: yeah I don't ;) XX

Harry keeps his phone in his pocket and eats the last bits of his sandwich. He had a break now so he was in a café in his uni.

He had two more classes left and then he was free to go home.

Not even two minutes later Niall and Barbara walked in.

"Hey Harry." Barbara chirps and gives him a side hug as she sits down beside him while Niall sat opposite them.

"Hi." Harry smiles at her. "Do you guys want anything to eat?"

"Nah I'm not hungry." Niall mumbles as he yawns.

"Wow Niall Horan is saying no to food, I can't believe it!" Harry says dramatically as Barbara laughs.

"I'm sleepy and I've got three more lectures to attend." Niall whines.

"Good luck to you." Harry chuckles.

"So how's it going with Louis?" Barbara asks Harry.

"We're good." Harry smiles.

He tell them about his date with Louis tomorrow and Niall jokes saying that he can bring Louis home and he'd go to Barbara's. They all talk for a bit and separate their ways for their classes.

After two more hours of sitting in lectures, Harry was finally free to go home.


Harry did not even realize how fast the time went and now he had only one hour left before he met Louis for their date and he was panicking.

He still couldn't decide what to wear and he was pacing back and forth in his room shirtless with Niall laying on his bed.

"Niall I don't know what to do! He'll be here any minute and I'm not even ready! Oh my God I'm such a mess!" He groans to himself.

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