Chapter 25

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"Now I'll show you what happens when you disobey me."

"Ahh!" Louis screams in pain.

"Dad I'm s-sorry." He sobs.

"It hurts d-dad, please s-top."

"Ahh! I'm so s-sorry!"

"Ouch dad please!"

"It hurts so much, stop!" He screams as he sobs harder.

Louis jolts awake, with sweat covered all his body. He was breathing heavily and looks around to see where he is and sees Harry looking at him worriedly.

"Louis are you okay?" He asks. "You were screaming and c-crying." He adds.

"I- uh" He abruptly gets up without saying anything. "I need a smoke." He silently says and leaves Harry alone in the room.

Harry doesn't say anything, nor he follows him because he didn't want to be too nosy and he also didn't want to bother Louis.

It was clear that Louis did not want to talk to him about his nightmare but Harry couldn't help but think about what Louis was screaming.

Stop it hurts!

Louis' screaming was running around Harry's head and he had to control himself from going to Louis and ask him about it.

He lied back down and closed his eyes and after fifteen minutes he was finally asleep.

The next morning when Harry woke up, Louis wasn't in bed. Harry sighed to himself as he got out of bed and went towards the bathroom. They had to leave in a few hours so Harry gets ready and competes his packing and goes down for breakfast.

When he enters the kitchen Louis was already there eating his meal with his family. Harry greets everyone and eats his breakfast silently.

No words were exchanged between Harry and Louis till they left but the awkward tension between both of the was intense.

Louis left first as he had to pick Liam up. After a few minutes, Harry and Niall left the Tomlinson/Deakin household too.

After their long two hour drive from Doncaster to Manchester, they reached home. Both the friends were exhausted so both of them went straight to bed.

The next day was busy for both the friends, since they missed a day, they both had alot to catch up.

The next three days, Harry hadn't spoken to Louis at all. Even though he wanted to talk to Louis, he couldn't.

He had Louis' phone number, and he also knew where he lived but he couldn't meet Louis without the awkward tension around them.

And also, Harry felt very insecure around Louis after the incident a couple of days ago. He felt that maybe Louis wasn't attracted to him or he wasn't fit enough for Louis' standards.

Either way he felt insecure and was not ready to meet Louis yet.

Finally Friday came up and he was happier than ever that the week had finally ended.

Right now, he was getting out of his last class and was on his way to Starbucks to grab something to eat. He wasn't very hungry, he just wanted to something to munch on at the moment.

He went inside Starbucks and ordered himself a caramel frappuccino with a blueberry muffin. He sat down at a seat in the corner as he peacefully ate his snack while scrolling through his phone.

After he was done he went back home. When he reached home he was alone. Niall had texted him that he still had one more class and after that he'd go to Barbara's for a while and then he would come home.

Harry went straight to the bathroom to take a hot shower. He did not care about the waterbill as he was standing under the shower for forty-five minutes.

After his shower he wore a fresh pair of boxers and went towards his bed. He scrolled through his phone for some time until he was bored.

He couldn't help but think about Louis. He couldn't understand why Louis behaved that way. He wanted to know the reasons behind Louis' nightmares and why he would self harm.

He wanted to help Louis out. He wanted to be their for him but Louis kept on pushing him away which annoyed Harry.

Harry remembered the kiss between them a few days ago and thought if that kiss meant anything or not.

He remembered how Louis picked him up. He couldn't stop thinking about how strong Louis is, physically and also mentally. He remembered how Louis kissed him and how Louis sucked on his neck.

Harry still had the faint red mark on his neck, which was close to disappearing.

He thought about the night he blew Louis and couldn't control himself from getting hard just by thinking of it.

He quickly grabbed his phone and opened the picture of Louis, the shirtless one- which he saved on his phone, from Facebook- and slipped his hand inside his boxers and started jerking himself off, looking at the picture.

He couldn't believe in himself that he was jerking himself off by thinking of Louis and what things he could've done with Louis. And the picture of Louis was so hot that Harry couldn't control himself as he cums all in his underwear.

His body felt tired and he felt very lazy so he just snuggled himself under the duvet and fell asleep fast.

He was asleep when he received a message from a person he never expected to text first.

Louis: Hey it's Louis, can we talk?


How have yall been??
Anyways I will be uploading pictures for all the chapters cuz I think it's better and it's cool. I'll probably even upload pictures for the previous chapters soon, so you can check them out if you want.

Anyways what do you guys think of this chapter??
Please don't forget to vote and comment <33

Hope you all enjoyed!!


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