Chapter 26

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It's been a few hours since Harry woke up and he was still on his bed looking at the text Louis sent him.

Louis: Hey it's Louis, can we talk?

He couldn't understand why it was so hard for him to reply to a simple text. He stared at his phone for what felt like ages, thinking of what to reply.

Of course he wanted to meet Louis and talk things out with him, but he was not ready for it. Atleast not yet.

He was thinking to reply something but before he could, Niall barged into his room and threw himself on the bed beside Harry.

"What are you doing?" He asks directly.

"Good morning to you too." Harry replies sarcastically as he looks back at his phone. Niall peeks towards Harry's phone to see what he is doing. Harry was quick to hide his phone but Niall saw it anyway.

"Ooooh someone's sexting." He says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up." Harry grumbles. "I need your help." He sighs.

"I'm sorry but I can't help you cum." Niall says and Harry hits him on the arm which makes him laugh loudly. After his laughter dies down a little he asks. "What is it?" He asks referring to what Harry said earlier about help.

"Uhm I did not tell you this but-" he starts looking down at his lap, not making eye contact with Niall, "me and Louis made out when we were in his house." He says silently. He slightly tilts his head up to see what Niall's reaction was.

"Are you serious!?" Niall practically shouts. "You were trying to fuck him at his parents house, are you mad?" Niall laughs at him.

"Shut up I said we made out, not sex." He grumbles knowing it was a bad idea to tell Niall about it.

"So why do you need my help?" Niall asks.

"I wasn't finished earlier." Harry says looking at Niall and tells him whatever happened that night and about Louis' text this morning.

"You should meet him." Niall says when Harry was done. "I know you don't feel like meeting him, but now is better than never." He says as Harry nods. "He probably wants to clear things out between both of you and whatever is going on between you too so I think you should text him back and tell him you want to meet him."

"Yeah I think I'll do that." He says but not making any move to text Louis.

"Text. Now." Niall says sternly. Harry groans and fetches his phone and texts Louis.

Harry: Hi sure.

Harry simply replies and not even two seconds later Louis replies back.

Louis: Starbucks at 5??

Harry: Okay I'll be there

Louis: Cool thanks

Harry doesn't reply further as he sees Niall staring at his phone. He close his phone and keeps it on his night stand and stretches his arms.

"What are you doing in my room anyway?" Harry asks remembering that Niall had probably come to Harry's room for something else.

"Oh yeah I'm hungry." Niall says looking at Harry. "C'mon get up and make me brekkie.'' He says grinning at Harry.

"Of course brekkie." Harry grumbles as he gets out of his bed.


It was a few minutes after five when Harry entered Starbucks. He looked around the crowded café and found Louis sitting on chair. He looked up at Harry and made his way towards him.

"Hi." Louis said silently, avoiding eye contact.

"Hey." Harry replies. The silence between both of them was uncomfortable. "Have you ordered anything?" Harry asks trying to make a conversation. Louis shook his head.

Harry ordered himself a mint chocolate chip shake meanwhile Louis ended up getting a cappuccino. Louis paid for both their drinks and suggested to go out for walk at the park nearby because the café was too crowded and the weather was nice too. Harry agreed and they both made their way towards the park, silently drinking their drinks without making a conversation.

"So are we gonna talk about the night at the bar?" Louis speaks up suddenly after a while of silence.

"Right." Harry replied.

"And also the night few days ago." Louis adds.

"Yeah." Harry breathes out, suddenly feeling nervous.

"I uhm I'm sorry." Louis says silently as he throws his coffee cup and sits on one of the benches which was followed by Harry.

"For what exactly?" Harry asks confused to why Louis was apologising.

"I uh don't know." Louis says stressed. "For continously pushing you away, and uhm kissing you and then leaving like nothing happened and-just for everything." Louis says running his hands across his face.

Harry did not know why but his eyes welled up with tears as he turned away, looking down at his lap, fiddling with his fingers.

"L-louis, if you are not in-interested in me, you can tell me, its o-okay." He says as he sniffles a little.

"Harry no." Louis says as he turns towards Harry and puts his arm on his shoulder. "I have actually never d-dated and stuff and it just t-triggers me sometimes because of my past and I just can't take it." Harry turns towards Louis and looks at him with glossy eyes.

"Louis, you can trust me. If there is anything you can tell me I can-"

"You'll hate me." Louis whispers as he looks down. Harry holds Louis' hands starts talking again.

"No Louis, I will never hate you. If you are not comfortable now you can tell me later but please give me a chance. If it doesn't work out, I'll leave you alone but please." He says, ending it in a whisper. "I really like you." He whispers looking at Louis with teary eyes.

Louis looks up at Harry and sees the sincerity in his eyes and couldn't help but pull him in for a kiss.

Harry felt his breathing stop for a moment. He was kissing Louis.

No, Louis was kissing him.

It wasn't a kiss full of tounge, it was a kiss full of love. It was slow and passionate.

Harry's soft lips felt amazing around Louis' thin ones. After a few seconds Louis leaned back and pressed their foreheads against each other.

"I think I wanna try it." Louis whispers.

"You mean a relationship?" Harry asks, excitement bubbling inside of him.

"Yeah sort of. We can take it slow right?"

"Yeah, we'll take as much time as we want." Harry smiles and leans forward to press another to kiss to Louis' lips.

He couldn't believe it that finally he was gonna get a chance with Louis.


Well well well
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