Chapter 30

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Hey everyone, how are yall doing?

Wow I'm so happy that this book has reached over 2.5k reads and it's now on it's 30th chapter. Tbh I never planned on making this book so long and I have no idea how long it is gonna be but I think it will be atleast 50 chapters overall but it can be less or more so I'm not making any promises.

I also wanna say that I have a few ideas in my head to continue this book but I wanna complete it before my college starts. My summer break is going on right now and my college begins in mid of June so I'm just gonna try my best to complete this book before it starts because I know that I won't be able to get enough time to write after my college begins.

And I've also been wanting to write another book which is like full of fluff between Larry (obviously) but I will probably do it when this book ends so stay tuned!

Now enjoy this chapter!!!


Louis woke up to Harry's curls all over his chest. He looked at the boy peacefully sleeping on top of him.

He smiled to himself knowing that Harry was his. Well atleast he wasn't anyone's else for now.

Louis was not ready yet to label anything and he was thankful that Harry hadn't asked him anything yet. He was happy with whatever was going on between them at the moment and he was sure he wanted to do many more things.

Louis looks at the time and sees it was eleven in the morning.

Louis tries to get out of Harry's grip so he could go to the bathroom, but instead Harry's grip on him tightens.

"Mm stay." He mumbles sleepily as he snuggles closer to Louis.

"Babe I need the loo, I'll be right back, kay?" He says softly and Harry whines. He gently pushes Harry away from top of him and goes to the bathroom.

Even the though Harry was taller than him and had broad shoulders, Louis was stronger so he was easily able to remove Harry from top of him.

He quickly completed his business quickly and got back to the room. He wore his boxers and went back towards Harry.

As soon as Louis lied down, Harry engulfed him into a hug and cuddled him.

"I missed you." Harry mumbles sleepily as he holds Louis tightly.

"I was gone for two minutes." Louis chuckles and brings Harry closer.

"Still!" Harry giggles.

They both stay in bed for almost an hour with Louis running his hands through Harry's hair and Harry lying on Louis' chest sleeping peacefully.

"I think I should go." Louis says after a couple of minutes.

"Nooooo!" Harry whines and snuggles closer to Louis, not letting him go and Louis chuckles.

"C'mon love, it's getting late." Louis says as he tries to get out of Harry's grip but Harry doesn't let him go.

"Please stayyyy." Harry whines again.

Louis stays in the bed for half an hour more and then he decides to leave.

"Why can't you stay?" Harry asks pouting, poking out his bottom lip.

"I've got work tonight love and I also have a few things to do." Louis says as he kisses Harry. He looked adorable pouting like this.

"Yeah all you wanted was to have sex with me, and now that you are done! You're leaving me." He says dramatically.

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