Chapter 4

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Niall and Harry were sitting at their table with there third round of drinks. They looked around the club and noticed that it had gotten crowded.

Harry has still not forgotten about the previous incident and still feel embarrassed about it.

He wanted to talk to Louis or atleast get a glimpse of him but was too shy for it.

Loud music was blasting through the speakers and Niall was almost done with his drink.

"Let's go get shots." Niall said once he was done with his drink, getting up from his chair.

"Niall." Harry whined. He was still too embarrassed to go in front of Louis.

"Come on mate,he won't say anything." Niall said pulling Harry towards the bar.

Once they reached the bar, Harry let out a sigh of relief to see that Louis wasn't there, but got more curious thinking where he would be.

Instead of Louis there was a raven-haired guy standing there,with tattoos in his arm and his face looked like it was sculptured with God's hands.

"Hey mate, what can I get you?" The raven-haired guy asked.

"Can we get 4 tequila shots?" Niall asked.

"Of course, hang on a minute." The bartender said as he started preparing their drinks.

Harry was still trying to figure out where Louis was when suddenly the door behind the bar opened and Louis walked in to the bar.

"Hey Tommo where were you?" Niall asked curiously.

"I had a break." Louis replied his eyes on Harry now.

Harry felt his cheeks heat up when he saw Louis was looking at him.

"Here are your shots." The other bartender said as he kept their drinks in front of them.

"Thanks" Harry and Niall mumbled before one by one they took their shots.

Later on Niall ordered more alcohol for himself because he was planning on getting drunk tonight. Harry just ended up drinking beer because he couldn't focus on drinking after the embarrassing moment he had with Louis.

"Let's dance!" Niall suddenly screamed through the music,pulling his hand and taking him to the dance floor.

Harry didn't deny because either way he loved dancing, even though he wasn't good at it and with Niall it was more fun.

'Shut up and dance' started playing through the speakers and both Niall and Harry got excited and started doing weird dance steps and laughing at each other's stupidity.

Harry took a glance of the bar to see what Louis was doing.

He saw that Louis rolled up his sleeves to his elbows which exposed his tattoos.

Harry's breath hitched when he saw those amazing tattoos. He was just sure that Louis was perfect.

He wasn't fully drunk,but wasn't even sober enough to be in his senses. So he swayed his hips and walked towards Louis to get a drink and try to flirt with him.

Harry reached the bar and saw Louis was giving a few drinks to a waiter. Harry cleared his throat to get Louis' attention towards him.

Louis turned to look at Harry and with a polite smile on his face.

"What can I get you?" Louis asked.

"You." Harry replied drunkly and started laughing at his own response. Louis chuckled at that.

"Do you want a drink?" Louis asked as a bartender.

"Yeah can I-" He was interrupted by the raven-haired guy, who walked in from the back door, whose name he still didn't know.

"Hey Lou, I'm done you can go now." Said the other bartender.

"Thanks Zee. Can you take his order for me?" Louis asked, gesturing towards Harry.

Harry wanted to complain because he wanted to talk to Louis not the other guy.

"Sure." He said, as both of them saw Louis leave the bar. This time Harry saw Louis' full body and damn. He had an amazing curvy body and a big ass which looked even perfect in those skinnies.

"What can I get you?" The other bartender asked.

"You took what I wanted." Harry mumbled.

"I'm sorry what?" The bartender asked, unaware of what exactly Harry said. "My name's Zayn, by the way."

"Harry." He said giving him a small smile. "I'll have a beer please."

"Alright." The bartender, known as Zayn now said as he uncapped a bottle of beer and handed it to Harry.

Harry took a sip from his drink and looked around searching for Niall buy he couldn't see him anywhere.

Suddenly a pair of hands gripped his waist and Harry jumped slightly at the contact but turned to look it was Niall.

Niall was fully drunk. "Let's go home, I'm tired." Niall mumbled as he rested his head on Harry's shoulder.

Harry chuckled at that."Alright Let's go."


When both the friends reached their home, they separated and went to their room's.

Harry couldn't forget the previous moments occurred and wasn't able to forget the bartender.

He smiled to himself remembering about the hot bartender. He was sure that he wanted to meet the bartender again and that would be really soon.

He fell asleep with a smile on his face, thinking of one person.



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