Chapter 40

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AFHF Today!!!!


Days passed by very quickly and it had almost been two weeks since the incident.

Guilt killed Harry everyday.

Even though the days passed by quickly, for Harry it seemed very slow and each moment passed, he felt more guilty for what he had done. He felt like he did a crime and not telling Louis and lying to him even made him feel worse.

He had been planning on telling Louis for days but he still doesn't know how to explain to Louis.

He didn't want to break Louis' heart but he knew delaying it would make things worse.

Right now, it was Saturday, he was sitting in his bed, books scattered all over the bed but not paying any attention to it, too caught up in his own thoughts. He jumps out of his thoughts when he gets a text.

From Louis.

L: Hey, wanna meet up at 7??? Got a surprise ;) xx

Harry smiled fondly at the text, a tight knot formed in his stomach.

A surprise.

He doesn't know how to react to that. Of course he loved surprises, especially by Louis but based on his current situation it didn't feel right. But he couldn't reject Louis, knowing he would feel bad, so he quickly typed a reply.

H: Ofcc!!!! :)))))

He got a reply from Louis few minutes later.

L: I've got a match at 6 you wanna come? We can leave together from there.

Before Harry could reply, he gets another text.

L: You don't have to if you don't want to.

H: Ofc I'm coming, see you at 6 xx

Harry turned his phone off and put it on the night stand, taking a sigh he looked at the mini digital clock in his nightstand to check the time.


Well he still had alot of time to meet Louis so he decided to study a bit and then get ready.

He studied for another forty minutes and decided it was enough for the day. He got out of bed and took a shower. After washing himself up, he wrapped a towel around his waist and got out the bathroom. He stood in front of his closet thinking what to wear.

He decided wearing his favourite tight black skinny jeans and a red and black coloured checkered shirt. He ended his outfit wearing his favourite Chelsea boots.

He kept his phone for charge when he saw its battery was low. He pulled it off from the charger when it had a decent amount of battery to last for the entire night and left his flat.

When he reached the Louis' training center it was a bit before six. He sat down in one of the bleachers and shot Louis a text telling him that he was there.

There weren't many people in the pitch. It wasn't a big match, rather it was more of a small match played every week by the players for their practice and also they could get selected for bigger football teams.

And Harry loved watching Louis play footie. He loved the way he looked in his jersey, his shorts extremely short and tight. Him being all sweaty and wet from head to toe after the match. He loved when Louis smiled widely when he won the match and how all his teammates would come and cheer him. He didn't care if it was a big or small match, he only cared about Louis being happy.

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