Chapter 38

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OMG it's been 13 years! I love these guys so much. Your music saved my life. It made me feel safe and loved.

Hope you guys get back together soon!♡♡♡♡

Stream Love Like This xx.


Harry slightly opened his eyes just for it to quickly shut again. He took a few minutes to adjust in the room's light. When he opened his eyes he looked around, checking out the unfamiliar bedroom.

A strong arm was wrapped around his waist but it wasn't his. It wasn't tanned. It didn't have tattoos littered all over it. Instead it was ivory skin with only a snake tattoo on it.

Harry got out of the man's grip. He sat up on his elbow and shut his eyes tightly because of the pain in his head.

When he opened his eyes slightly, his eyes widened.

Dried cum was spread all over his naked chest and he was completely naked covered with only a thin piece of sheet.

He got up to sit properly, but the moment his ass touched the mattress, he hissed in pain.

He got out of the bed with wobbly legs, pulling the sheets along with him to cover himself and looked around for his clothes.

His head hurted like hell but he couldn't think straight.

He couldn't believe what happened last night.

What he did last night.

He found his boxers under the bed and his jeans lying on the floor but he couldn't find his shirt anywhere.

On an armchair in the corner of the room he spotted a plain white tee so he decided to wear that.

He cringed at his own sight.

He observed the dark purplish-red marks all over his chest and neck as he stood in front of the mirror.

He quickly got dressed and was checking if he had his stuff with him or not when the body on the bed started moving.

"You're leaving already?" Alex slurs as he looks at Harry with half open eyes.

"Yes." Harry says quickly and makes his way towards the door. His eyes stung with tears, he couldn't believe himself.

"Last night was fun, you can come over tonight if you wanted." Alex suggests.

"N-no." Is all Harry says as he rushes out of the bedroom and towards the main door.

He looks around the house to see how messy it was. There were red plastic cups in every corner of the house.

He cursed himself for not bringing his car as he walked down the road towards his apartment.

Twenty minutes later, Harry stumbled inside his apartment and went straight to the kitchen.

He opened a few cabinets in search of advil. When he found it he swallowed two tablets and went straight to his bedroom. He didn't know how he survived till now without throwing up.

His mind was fuzzy and he felt very drowsy and right now all he could was to sleep and that's exactly what he did.

He stripped out of his clothes, leaving himself just in his boxers and threw himself onto the bed, sleep taking over in a few seconds.


When Harry woke up it was three in the afternoon. He didn't know for how long he was asleep but his headache was better.

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