Chapter 14

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⚠️Trigger warning- Strong language and mild violence ⚠️


Harry stands in front of the mirror as he looks at his own reflection. He was wearing tight skinny jeans and a white tank top with his favourite Chelsea boots.

Him and Niall decided to get ready and leave for the club in 10 minutes.

After staring at himself for god knows how long, he sighs to himself as he grabs his wallet and phone and goes out of his room.

Niall was already sitting in the living room when Harry entered.

They both left their house and made their way towards Niall's car and headed towards the club.

They both sat in comfortable silence as Niall drove.

When they reached the club, it was quite crowded. They made their way towards the bar where they were greeted by Zayn and Louis smiling at them.

"What's up guys?" Zays says as Louis makes someone else's order. "How are you both?"

"Good, good." Niall replies for both of them. "How are you Zayn?"

"I'm great thanks." He says smiling at them.

"So what do you guys want?" Louis asks them smiling.

"Tommo special please." Niall smirks at him and Louis rolls his eyes which makes him laugh. "I'll have a beer for now."

"And you?" Louis asks facing Harry now.

"Same." He says.

"Alright here you go." Zayn says as he places two bottles of uncapped beer in front of them.

Zayn and Louis were busy taking other orders and occasionally talking to Niall and Harry who were sitting on the barstools.

Harry spoke very less, it was mainly Niall who was speaking. He was a little scared of talking to Louis as he saw Louis occasionally looking at him.

He finally decided to start talking to Louis but before he could tell anything, he heard a familiar thick voice call out Louis' name.

"What's up bartender Tommo?" Nick's raspy came towards them as he sat down on one of the barstools.

"What do you want Nick?" Louis asks annoyed with his presence.

"This is a bar so I obviously came for a drink." Nick says smirking slightly. "I'd like to have beer please." He says in a taunting way.

Louis' jaw clenched as he tried to keep himself calm because he knew Nick just came here to annoy him. He handed Nick his beer and started making other orders.

"What's up Harry and Niall?" He asks turning towards the other pair of friends. "Haven't seen you guys in a while."

"We are good." Harry replies flatly as he takes a sip of his drink.

"Still the little asshole you are huh." Nick says which makes both the friends annoyed.

"Fuck off Grimshit." Niall says to him which makes Louis and Zayn cackle at the nickname he used.

"Nobody spoke to you Horan." Nick retorts which makes both the friends huff.

"Can't  you just mind your own business?" Harry asks clearly annoyed.

"You-" Nick gets cut off when Louis speaks in between.

"You'll get kicked out of here if you keep troubling these two." Louis says sternly which make Nick glare at him.

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