Chapter 34

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Part 1

~~Sexual content~~


The club was crowded in a few hours and people were pretty drunk but there was no sign for the party to end before midnight.

Niall was lost somewhere in the crowd with his girlfriend meanwhile Zayn and Liam were grinding against each other while dancing in the crowd, completely drunk.

One thing Louis figured out was that Harry gets really touchy when he's drunk, not that Louis was complaining, he quite enjoyed it.

No wonder Louis was more drunk than Harry and Harry was quite tipsy too, and well, horny.

He was continously touching Louis' waist, running his hand up and down his body while they both were dancing.

Louis had also arranged a small photo booth for his friends where all of them clicked many pictures and they got their printed polaroids that moment.

Harry had to insist Louis alot to click a picture with him and after asking him for more than ten times, Louis finally agreed.

They both clicked two pictures, one in which they both are kissing and other in which Harry is leaning his cheek against Louis' face.

All the five friends together wanted to click a picture together but struggled a little in getting in the frame, but managed to get a picture

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All the five friends together wanted to click a picture together but struggled a little in getting in the frame, but managed to get a picture. They printed the same picture into five polaroids so that everyone could get a picture for themselves. Louis and Harry aswell got their pictures printed into two so they both could have a copy.

 Louis and Harry aswell got their pictures printed into two so they both could have a copy

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It was close to twelve when an idea popped up in Harry's head. He looked around to see Louis, Niall and Zayn at the bar taking shots and laughing while Liam and Barbara were talking about something with eachother.

Louis and Niall took their last shot before yelling something which Harry couldn't figure out what they said and then they both joined the dance floor, dancing weirdly.

Fucking drunkards. Harry thought to himself while giggling. He goes to the crowd where Niall and Louis were dancing and grabs Louis by the waist from behind. Louis doesn't budge because he knew it was Harry and he leaned into his touch as Harry started kissing his neck.

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