Chapter 21

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I just want to clarify Louis' sisters ages before there is any confusion-

Lottie- 18
Felicite/Fizzy- 16
Daisy- 10
Phoebe- 10
Ernest- 3
Doris- 3


It was the afternoon and Harry and Niall were still at Louis' house. Both of them barely spoke to Louis as Louis kept avoiding them.

Liam introduced Harry and Niall to Louis' family as Louis was too tired to do anything. They both met Louis' sisters, his grandparents and his step dad, Dan. Louis' father was there to, Mark, but he refused to talk to Niall or Harry. He was a grumpy one Harry thought and was probably upset about Louis' mums death and that's why he didn't argue any further but Niall found Mark's behavior quite rude because they were just trying to be friendly and Mark waved them off as him they were degrading him.

Harry didn't miss the glare Louis was giving Mark when Harry went to shake hands with him but he refused to.

Right now Niall, Liam and Harry were sitting in the living room chatting about random stuff and Louis was no where to be seen which made Harry worried.

He constantly looked around to see where Louis was but he couldn't find him anywhere.

"Harry you alright?" Liam asks as he sees Harry's worried expression.

"Yeah it's uh-" He stutters a little but then continues, "Where's Louis?" He asked directly.

"I saw him in the kitchen with Nan few moments ago." Liam states. "Don't worry Harry."

"It's just, since I came here i noticed he is tensed all the time and in the morning the twins were crying too saying Louis is upset. I know he is probably very sad because of his mother but they seemed to tell something about his father and I just don't get it and it's confusing me." Harry rambles frustratedly.

"Harry calm down." Liam says soothingly as he keeps one of his arms on Harry's shoulder. "Yeah there is some issues going on between Louis and his father but it's alright they'll manage it, don't worry."

"I just want to talk to him." Harry whispers to himself but Niall and Liam heard him.

Liam sighs. "He isn't in the right state of mind right now Harry." Liam says sadly. "I don't think it will be good for you if you talk. Give him some time and let him manage everything here and then you can ro whatever you want." Liam says slowly, trying to make Harry understand his point. Harry just nods in response.

Before he or Liam could say anything, Louis enters the living room frustratedly as he paces around the room looking for something.

"Lou what's wrong?" Liam asks.

"Where are my car keys?" Louis asks ignoring Liam's question.

Before Liam could answer Mark enters the living room with Dan behind him.

"You can't runaway from this all the time Louis." Mark says sternly.

"I'm not running away." Louis scoffs. "I have told you my decision and that's final."

"You don't live here anymore Louis, you don't know what happens here." Mark argues back, slowly getting angry.

"You don't live here either." Louis retorts.

"Stop answering back!" Mark growls which makes Harry flinch a little but Louis kept a hard look as he glared at Mark.

"The girls are not going anywhere." Louis states still glaring at Mark.

"And what will they do here? Tell me, you won't be here, your mum isn't here nobody will be there to take care of them." Marks says angrily.

"And what will they do in Australia!?" Louis roars at him which makes everyone's eyes go wide including Mark. "You are our for work the entire day, you won't even get a chance to see any of the girls! Lottie will be going to Uni this year and she will move out and within 2 years Fizzy will move out too! Who will take care of Daisy and Phoebe!? No one! Instead they will have to take care of you when you bring your drunk ass to home." Louis shouts at him frustratedly. He was very annoyed with Mark's decision.

Mark had decided to shift to Australia and take all the girls with him. But Louis didn't agree to that. He wanted the girls to stay at Doncaster with his grandparents and Daniel, but Mark disagreed.

"You-" Mark starts but Louis cuts him off in between.

"And Nan and Grandpa are old who will take care of them!? Ernest and Doris are very young they need a family! Why can't you understand that!" Louis says frustratedly as he pulls his hair. Then he spots his car keys at the armchair and quickly grabs it and leaves the house without listening to anyone.

"Louis you better come back right now!" Mark shouts but Louis ignores him as he gets out of the house and slams the door shut.

He takes his car and leaves the house.

Mark leaves the living room as Dan sits on the couch and sighs.

"I'm sorry you guys have to see all this." He apologizes to the three friends sitting with him.

"W-where did he go?" Harry asks nervously.

"To be honest, I don't know." Daniel says sadly.

"He's been like this for few days." Liam says.

"But what's wrong?" Niall asks. "It's okay if you don't want to tell." He adds.

"No it's alright." Daniel smiles at him. "You know, since Jay passed, Mark wants to take all his sisters to Australia with him but Louis wants them to stay here with me, the twins and his grandparents." He says. "Though I support it but I don't know why Mark doesn't understand." He says sadly.

"Ohh I'm sorry." Harry says quietly.

"It's fine I think I'll talk to Mark and explain him." He says.

They all sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes when Lottie suddenly appeared in the living room.

"Uh I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you all but the lunch is ready if anyone is hungry." She says.

"Okay we'll be there." Dan says smiling at her as she leaves the living room.

"Let's go boys." Daniel says as he gets up. "And don't give me those 'I'm not hungry' excuses, you guys haven't eaten anything since you came here." He says jokingly to lighten up the mood.

"Trust me, I'd never be the one to say I'm not hungry for free food." Niall grins at him which makes all the three men to bark out a laugh.

"C'mon now." Daniel says as they all leave for the dining area.


How are you all doing??
Have you guys seen Harry at the late late show, he looked so cute<33

Anyways the next chapter will be interesting (hopefully lol).

Please don't forget to vote and comment <3

Hope you all enjoyed!!


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