Chapter 20

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Not edited!


And when the next words slipped out of Zayn's mouth Harry felt his heart break into pieces.

"Louis' mum passed away...."

"Wha- h-how?" Harry stutters. He felt very bad for Louis. He wanted to engulf him into a tight hug and never let him go. He felt guilty because of all he thought about Louis regretting Harry kissing him.

"Well uh- she was suffering from this cancer called leukemia for a past few years, which got a little worse past few months but she was getting better the past two weeks." Zayn says. "But uh Wednesday morning me Louis and Liam were t-together and Louis' phone was continously ringing while we were sleeping so before we ate breakfast, uh he saw many missed calls of his sister and dad and uh-" He stops trying to steady his breathing, "they said that she uh passed away." He says silently. "So that moment Louis was leaving for Doncaster for his mother's funeral so me and Liam went too." Zayn says. "I don't know about Louis but me or Liam didn't use our phone much over there, it was in our bag tge entire time. I saw your and Niall's missed calls yesterday but I didn't know how to explain so I didn't call back." Zayn explains.

"Oh." Harry says not knowing what to say as he looks down to his feet.

Zayn sighs. "Harry trust me it's not you and we were not ignoring you, just there were a few issues going on at Louis' house and we didn't really got time to call back and I'm very sorry for that."

"It's o-okay I understand." Harry says silently.


After having a little chat with Zayn, Harry quickly booked a cab and went back to his flat. When he reached there he realized Niall wasn't home and he quickly called him and told him everything.

Niall came back home after Harry told him everything. As soon as he entered, Harry hugged him tight and sobbed onto his chest. Niall tried to calm him down and said they both would figure it out soon.

Harry suggested that they both should go to Doncaster to meet Louis. At first Niall disagreed but after Harry insisted his alot he agreed. They both took Louis' address from Zayn and packed their bags and decided to leaves the next morning. Since it was weekend they both didn't have uni so they decided to go Saturday morning and be back by Sunday night.

It was a two hour drive from their place to Doncaster. It wasn't long but still they decided to leave early.

Saturday morning Harry and Niall left for Doncaster. They informed Zayn that they were going and Zayn thought that it was a great idea for them to go.

The left their house at 9:30 and pulled up in front of Louis' house around 12:00.

Both the friends got out of the car examined the house. Judging Louis had a huge family the house was quite big. There was a huge garden and there were three cars parked over there and Harry recognized one of the cars which was Louis'.

"Let's go?" Niall asks after looking around for a bit and Harry takes a deep breath and nods.

They went towards the main door and Niall ringed the bell. The door was opened a few moments later and a girl with dirty blonde hair opened the door.

"Yes?" She asks confusedly, unable to recognize the two boys in front of her.

"Hi I'm Niall, this is Harry." He says pointing towards Harry. "We are Louis' friends."

"Oh yeah I know you." She says looking at Niall. She opes the door wide for both the boys to enter. "Come in." She smiles at them.

She tells them to follow her to the living room. When they entered tge living there were two identical girls sitting on the couch and Ernest and Doris were sitting on the floor playing.

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