Chapter 17

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Ladies and Gentlemen, its show time!!!

~~Sexual content~~


After Harry saw Louis followed him back, he tried to text him a couple of times but Louis never responded. Even though he red all the texts Harry sent he didn't respond.

Harry's texts were always like 'hi' or 'how are you'. He texted a few times but gave up when Louis didn't respond.

Harry got a little bit annoyed because of this. He couldn't understand why Louis was ignoring him.

Louis knew that Harry was gay and he didn't have a problem with that and Zayn and Liam were together too and Louis accepted them as well but why was Louis scared to admit his sexuality? These type of questions always clouded in Harry's head.

He was tired of Louis pushing him away constantly. He just wanted to shout at Louis and ask him why he was doing this but he never got a chance to meet him again.

Luckily, Harry bumped into Louis the next Tuesday afternoon at Starbucks. His classes were done and Niall still had two more lectures so he decided to grab a coffee and something to eat and then head home. Louis was wearing black sweats and a hoodie and was on a call.

"Okay fine, bye Liam." Louis huffed and put his phone back to his pocket and slightly smiled at Harry. "Hey."

"Hi." Harry said cause he finally got a chance to talk to Louis. "Wanna sit with me?" Harry asks pointing towards a table.

"Sure." Louis says and sits down at the table Harry pointed.

"Was that Liam?" Harry asks referring to the person Louis was talking to in his phone.

"Yeah." Louis sighs.

"What happened?" Harry asks.

"A friend of mine from the team invited me to a party at some club tonight and I didn't want to go alone so I asked Liam if he could come with me and he said no." Louis said rolling his eyes.

"I could come." Harry blurts out and he didn't regret it because he really wanted to spend some time with Louis.

"You don't have to-"

"It's fine I'll come."

"Sure if you want to." Louis says. "It's at the indigo club, by the way."


"Um do you want me to pick you up? Or will you be there by your own." Louis asks hesitantly.

"I'll be there." Harry states.

"Okay um be there by seven." Louis says.

"Sure." Harry replies as he takes a sip from his coffee.

They both sat in comfortable silence for a while, drinking their coffee's.

After some time Louis gets up and says he has to leave and told him he would see him at the club.

Harry gets up with him aswell and they both make their way out of the cafe.

"How are you going home?" Louis asks.

"By walk most probably, why?"

"Come on I'll give you a lift." Louis says and before Harry could reply Louis starts walking towards his car. Having no choice Harry follows him. Louis unlocks his car and sits in the drivers seat while Harry goes to the passenger seat.

Harry gives Louis his address and Louis starts driving towards the direction of Harry's house.

"You smoke?" Harry asks looking at the box of cigarettes in the dash board.

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