Chapter 46

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Harry was pressed against Louis' chest when he begins to wake up. He slowly opens his eyes and notices that the sun is about to set from the window.

He feels Louis' fingers running through his hair as he sighs softly and closes his eyes for a few seconds and then opens it and looks up at Louis.

"Hey..." He whispers as he looks up at Louis.

Louis smiles softly at him, "Hi.. did you sleep well?"

"Probably the best in such a long time." Harry admits as Louis chuckles. "You didn't sleep?"

"Well no... I tried to but I was sleeping for a very long time before you came so couldn't sleep now."

"Oh.." Harry replies as he continues laying on Louis' chest, running one of his fingers to Louis' chest hair.

"We need to talk." Louis says after a few moments.

"Y-yeah.. right.." Harry tenses up a little as he tries to sit up but Louis holds him tighter instead.

"Shh relax..." Louis whispers soothingly, "I'm just saying we have to talk, I don't mean right now.. I like this comfortable position, I'd like to stay like this for sometime."

"Okay.." Harry whispers as he relaxes a little.

Louis keeps playing with Harry's hair for a while as Harry continues to lay on his chest.

"Lou...?" Harry whispers after a while and Louis hums, as a sign for him to continue, "I've missed you.."

Louis sighs as he looks down at Harry, "me too." He admits silently, as he sits up and Harry follows as he sits down beside him.

Harry stares at Louis as he stays silent even though he doesn't want to. He had too many emotions running in his head right now and he wanted to say so many things but he feared he'd say something wrong.

The silence was killing him inside and he just wanted to wrap his hands around Louis and tell him sorry for hurting him so much.

He knew that ge hurt Louis very badly and he knew Louis wouldn't forgive him so quick, but all he wanted was another chance to make it up to him without doing any mistakes.

He wanted to gain Louis' trust back and wanted both of them to be happy how they used to be in their short time period of dating.

"Harry.. I-.." Louis starts as he looks up at him but goes silent again.

"Lou...listen to me first please?" Harry asks as he stares at Louis and Louis nods as he look up at him.

Harry sighs as he begins to speak, "I just wanna apologise Lou...I- I don't expect you to forgive me right now, but i just wanna explain myself to you. I know what I did wasn't acceptable and completely wrong.. but I regret it so much.. I just wish I could go back and change everything but I can't and-.. I just want you to forgive me.. I know it's not easy.. but I can't stand the thought of you hating me, I just can't....

I know I messed up very bad and my actions were unforgivable but I want you to try. I-.. I love you Lou.. I love you so bad and I missed you so much these months. I can't stay away from you even though I know you dont want to see me. I-.. I was so drunk that night, I don't know what happened... all I remember is that there was this girl who kept saying that you didn't love me because you didn't ask to be my boyfriend yet and that night.. I missed you very bad.. and t-then-.. Alex.. he came up to me and I was completely wasted, I barely remember anything.. b-but I remember t-that he touched me.. and it reminded me of you... and I just-.. let him do whatever he wanted to do with me.

I am terribly sorry for whatever I did. I cheated on you, I hurt you and I lied to you and I truly regret every single bit of it. I just don't want you to think I hate you because-.. because of what happened with you... I'll never hate you Lou.. I love you.. and I mean it.."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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