Chapter 45

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I'm so so sorry!!! I know I've been gone for like so many days but I've been really busy so here's a special chapter for all of you!

A request,  please please DM me if theres any mistakes in this chapter I'll correct them right away because i haven't gone through it yet.



It was 22nd December.

Two days before Louis' birthday.

Three days before Christmas.

And nearly 2 months since Harry hadn't seen or spoken to Louis.

Harry was a mess these few weeks. He missed Louis constantly and tried his best to talk to Louis but never found the courage to.

He'd been thinking since days of how to speak to Louis about their situation because he didn't want end things with Louis in this way. By not talking to eachother.

Well he didn't want to end things with Louis at all but for now he just wanted them to be in good terms.

He couldn't live with the fact that the person he loves the most hates him and probably doesn't want to see his face again.

These past few days Harry had build up some courage to speak to Louis (obviously with the help of Niall).

So here he was, standing in front Louis' doorstep fiddling with his fingers. Suddenly all the courage left his body and he became a nervous wreck.

He rang the bell twice but no one opened the door. It almost felt like deja vu to him.

Few weeks ago when he came to apologize to Louis, no one opened the door and when he met Louis later that day, things didn't go well.

He didn't want that to happen again.

He knocked on the door but no one opened.

Maybe he left for home for Christmas already?

Fuck! How could I be so dumb! Harry thought to himself.

There were lots of chances that Louis already left for Doncaster for Christmas.

Harry was leaving for Holmes Chapel the next day and he wanted to speak to Louis before he went home.

He knocked on the door again and he could hear the faint sound of the TV playing.

That means someone was inside. But why weren't they opening the door?

Harry turned the door knob and obviously door was open.

He knew Louis would do such a careless thing.

As he walked in he could hear the TV more clearly. Perhaps he could make out that it was the commentary of a football match.

As he entered the living room, there he saw exactly what he'd been dying to see since days.

The TV was working and some football match was playing like he guessed and there was Louis.


His Louis, who he'd been dying to see and talk and kiss and cuddle since days.

Louis was sleeping soundly on the couch looking all soft and cuddly, wearing an over-sized hoodie and sweats with fluffy socks.

Fuck Harry missed him.

Harry just wanted to go and wrap himself around Louis and cuddle him and never let him go again.

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