Chapter 3

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Louis woke up around 10AM, brushed his teeth and headed towards the kitchen to get something to eat.

When he entered the kitchen he saw his flatmate and also best friend Liam standing there with a plate read for Louis to eat.

"Good morning Louis."

"Mornin'" Louis mumbled. He went towards the kettle to make himself a cup of tea.

"Had a good sleep?" Liam asked.

"Yeah." He said yawning as he poured his tea to a cup.

He sat on the chair across Liam and started eating his breakfast which Liam prepared for him.

"You've got work today?" Liam asked after a while.

"Yeah, I've got the night shift today." Louis said and Liam just hummed in response. It was Sunday and every Sunday he had night shift which made him very tired and it was even a trouble for him next morning to go for his football training.

"Anyways I'm gonna sleep for some time more and then get ready for work." Louis said once he finished his breakfast.

"When does your shift start?" Liam asked.

"At seven."

"Ok cool."

Louis headed towards his bed and used his phone for some time and later drifted off to sleep.


Louis reached the club at 6:45 and as soon as he entered, he was greeted with one of his colleagues, Stacy who was grinning widely at him.

"Today's your lucky day, there aren't much people here today so maybe you'll get to go home soon." Stacy said.

"You're just saying that because I came 15 minutes early so you get to go home soon." He said sarcastically even though he knew that wasn't true. Well partly true.

She playfully gasped and hit his arm.

Louis looked around and actually noticed that there were less people so he was just hoping there wouldn't be much later at night.

He went back at the staff room to get his work apron where he met with one of his co-worker, Zayn.

Zayn has been his friend since the day he joined this club.

"Hey Lou." Zayn said as he saw Louis enter the room.

"Hi,what's up?" Louis asked trying to make a small talk.

He walked towards his locker and took his red apron out from it.He was dressed in black skinny jeans and a black sweat shirt.

"You look good today, had a good sleep?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah slept well today." Louis replied.

They both headed out and towards the bar and Mike, one of the waiters came to them and gave them multiple orders.

Louis looked at the crowd and sighed as the number of customers increased. He started preparing the drinks and gave them to Mike one by one.

He sighed. This is gonna be a long night.


It was around 8 o'clock when Niall and Harry decided to leave for the club.

Harry changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, a black T-Shirt and his favourite white vans.

They went to the club and unexpectedly it wasn't as crowded as they thought because it was sunday.

Harry was just following Niall like a lost puppy, his head down to the floor and he did not even realize when they reached the bar.

"Hey Tommo!" Niall yelled looking at the bartender, who was his friend.

"Oh hey Niall, what's up? You're back early" Louis asked a little surprised to see Niall here because he wasn't expecting to see him this early.

Harry's head shot up when he heard the soothing voice. He saw who was speaking, and noticed that it was the bartender.

He was wearing a perfect black sweat shirt which even looked better with the apron and he had ocean blue eyes which were even brighter than Niall's, Harry thought. His thin lips were a pretty shade of pink which looked very kissable to Harry. Harry could only think of one word when he looked at the bartender.


"Yeah I came back early so that I could enjoy a little with my friend before college starts." Niall said. Louis nodded in response and turned his attention towards Mike who came with an order of new drinks.

"Oh by the way,this is my friend Harry." Niall said when he realized he did not introduce his best friend to the bartender. "Harry this is Louis, my personal bartender." Niall said chuckling which made Louis roll his eyes.

But on the other hand, Harry was speechless. He didn't know what to say.

"Hi Harry, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Louis." Louis said helding his hand out for Harry to shake.

There were thousands of thoughts running in Harry's head and he couldn't figure out what to say or do.

He slowly brought his hands forward and shook hands with Louis.

"You're hot." He blurted out.


His eyes widened at his own response. He saw Louis raise an eyebrow at him and looking confused. Before he could take that back he started panicking and rambling.

"Oh god I'm sorry I didn't mean it-no like I mean you're hot-but no I didn't want to say it like that- fuck I'm sorry, shit." He rambled. Louis chuckled at that and shook his head.

"No worries man. Anyways what can I get for you?" He asked as a bartender, still not able to process what the curly haired lad said.

"I'll get a vodka with tonic water." Niall said.

"What about you?" Louis asked Harry.

"I'll just have a beer." He said still embarrassed about the previous incident.

"Ok I'll send it at your table." Louis said with a polite smile on his face and started preparing their drinks.

Harry and Niall sat at their table and the first thing Harry saw was Niall glaring at him.

"What the fuck was that!?" Niall exclaimed though he did not sound serious at all.

"I don't know it just came out." Harry said not understanding what to say anymore.

"You ruined my reputation." Niall huffed playfully.

Harry scoffed. "You need to have a reputation first, to get it ruined."

"No but seriously, you think Louis is hot?" Niall asked."I mean he's not a bad looking guy but I'm still not sure why would you suddenly say that."

"Let's not talk about this please." Harry said with pleading eyes.

"Alright, alright"

Soon a waiter bought their drinks, they thanked him and started drinking, talking about random things.


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