Chapter 8

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It was around noon when Harry woke up. He heard the bell ring of the main door but wasn't sure if it was real or he was dreaming.

He heard the bell ring again and he groaned and got out of bed. He wore a pair of sweats and walked towards the door.

He opened the door to find Barbara standing their, grinning widely.

"Heyy!!!" Barbara chirped and engulfed Harry into a tight hug.

"Oh my God hiiii!!!" Harry chuckled and hugged her back immediately.

"I missed you all so much!!" Barbara said as she pulled back.

"We missed you too!" Harry said happily. "How's everyone at home?"

"Everyone's doing good! How are you?" She asked.

"I'm great." Harry said.

They both entered the house, as Barbara settled herself on the couch Harry went towards Niall's room.

"NIALL GET UP!" Harry shouted as he entered Niall's room and jumped on his bed.

Niall groaned and turned his back to Harry.

"Get up your girlfriend is here." Harry said grinning widely.

"Okay." Niall mumbled, but didn't make any move to get up.

Harry grabbed a pillow from his bed and smacked Niall with it harshly.

"You asshole." Niall grumbled as he got up and hit Harry with another pillow. Harry just laughed and got out of the bed.

"Get up. Now." Harry said sternly as he left Niall's bedroom.

Harry walked in to his bedroom to wear a pair of tshirt as he was shirtless and went to the living room where Barabara was waiting for them.

After two minutes Niall walked in to the living room wearing sweats and a tank top. He went towards Barbara, greeted her and pecked her lips once before settling down beside her.

"So why were you two still sleeping when I arrived? It's noon." Barbara asked curiously.

"We went out to the club yesterday and later we went to a restaurant with some friends, so got tired." Niall replied.

They chatted for some time, talking about random things and ordered pizza for lunch. Barbara told them about how her trip was and how much her family missed them.

Soon their food arrived and they were sitting in the living room eating their pizzas.

"So Harry." Barbara spoke up after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "Who's your new lover boy?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.

Harry choked on his pizza as Niall and Barbara burst out laughing. Harry looked at them curiously as he did not tell Barbara about Louis yet and he turned towards Niall and glared at him.

"'s nothing." Harry mumbled as he stuffed a huge bite of pizza in his mouth.

"Oh come on Harold, tell her about your little crush on the bartender." Niall teased Harry and Harry groaned annoyingly and threw his crust on Niall's face which made them laugh even more.

"Come on Harry." Barbara encouraged.

"You probably know everything because of Niall's big mouth." Harry huffed.

"He didn't tell me much, I want to hear from you." She said happily.

"Well his name is Louis, he's a bartender at this club nearby, which is apparently Niall's favourite club and he is also Niall's friend." Harry said while glaring at Niall. "But this blondie won't tell me anything about him." Harry huffed.

"We went out with him and his mates yesterday." Niall said. "And little Harold here got some dirty business done in the bathroom with lover boy." Niall said teasingly as Barbara's eyes widened.

"We didn't do anything!" Harry groaned.

"What exactly happened?" Barbara asked curiously.

"Well I-" Harry was cut off in middle as Niall interrupted him.

"So Harry here couldn't keep it in his pants the first day he saw Louis and instead of greeting him like a gentlemen he told him that he's hot." Niall said chuckling as Barbara laughed a little and Harry became embarrassed. "So yesterday when Louis went to the bathroom, Harry followed him there and Louis told him he is hot too." Niall completed.

"Wow." Barbara said trying to process what Niall said.

Niall kept on teasing Harry for a while and Barbara occasionally laughed. At some jokes, Harry laughed along too as he knew his friends were only joking and wouldn't judge him.

Harry told them how he wanted to talk to Louis and get to know him but he was afraid. They encouraged him and told him not to worry.

"Anyways we all are going to a club tonight, you wanna join us? I'm sure they wouldn't mind." Harry asked Barbara.

"Sure why not." She replied happily.

They played F.R.I.E.N.D.S on the TV and watched it in peaceful silence. Harry was laying on the beanbag while Niall and Barbara were sitting on the couch.

After watching three episodes, Barbara left saying she'd go to her flat and get ready for tonight and asked Niall to pick her up and they both agreed.

After watching TV for a while, Niall got a text from Louis saying they would meet at 8 at the club. Niall informed this to Harry as soon as Louis texted.

After watching two more episodes, Niall and Harry got up and got ready one by one to go to the club.

Harry was quite excited about clubbing tonight as he was with Louis and it would be fun.

He had a shower and stood in front of his closet, thinking what to wear.

He settled on wearing his black skinnies and a black button up which he buttoned till his stomach, and decided to wear his favourite pair of Chelsea boots.

(A/N a picture for outfit reference.
!The outfit does not include the headband!)

He looked at his reflection in the mirror and noticed how see through the shirt was

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He looked at his reflection in the mirror and noticed how see through the shirt was. He debated to himself whether to wear the shirt or not, but decided to keep it on as Niall said Louis would cum in his pants when he sees Harry like this to which Harry just rolled his eyes but imagined how Louis would look when he saw Harry like this and smiled fondly.

Harry and Niall soon left the flat when they got ready and stopped by Barbara's to pick her up.

Three of the friends made their way to the club with huge smiles on their faces.

Harry just hoped nothing would go wrong and wished he'd be able to talk to Louis properly today, without anyone interrupting them.

And ohhh, he was so wrong.


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