Chapter 18

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"My son cannot be a faggot!" Mark growls as he hits Louis with his belt. "How dare you bring a boy home huh? HOW DARE YOU!?" He yells as he hits Louis harder with his belt.

"I'm sorry, im sorry, I promise I won't do it again." Louis whimpers and then groans in pain when Mark hits him harshly again. "Dad please stop, it h-hurts." Louis whimpers.

"Don't you call me 'dad'. You're not my son, faggot." He says as he harshly grabs Louis' hand and pushes him to the bed.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry." Louis sobs.

"Now I'll show you what happens when you disobey me."

Louis wakes up from the horrific dream panting heavily. His forehead was covered in sweat and he couldn't breathe properly. His eyes were pooled with tears and his vision was blur.

He tried to steady his breathing but it was of no use. His throat felt dry and his heart was pounding heavily in his chest. He looked around in his bedroom and got out of bed. Liam.

He needed Liam.

He stumbles towards Liam's bedroom knocking slowly. He knew Zayn was their with Liam and he hated the fact that he disturbed both of them but he needed Liam.

"Liam." He said barely above a whisper as he knocked at Liam's door.

"Liam please." Louis said a little louder when Liam didn't open the door. Louis was about to turn and go back to his room when Liam's bedroom door flung open.

"Lou?" Liam asks as he rubs his eyes. He looks at Louis and his eyes widened. "Oh my gosh Louis what's wrong? He says as he brings Louis inside his room.

They both sit down at the edge of the bed and Liam engulfs Louis into a hug as Louis sobs into Liam's chest.

Louis whimpers a little and tries to talk but it was all of no use.

"Shh Shh Lou." Liam says trying to calm him down as Zayn wakes up and sits on the bed. "Breathe Louis breathe." He says.

"I-i t-tried but I c-can't." Louis chokes out.

After a few minutes Louis calms down a little as he sniffles a couple of times.

"What happened? Did you have a nightmare?" Liam asks worriedly as Louis nods.

"I uh went to the party today with Harry and-" Louis hiccups a little as Liam runs his hand up and down Louis' back to comfort him,"he k-kissed me a-and-" before he could continue a broken sob leaves his lips as he hugs Liam and clutches of his shirt a little harder.

"Shh it's okay." Liam tries to console him. "How do you feel about it?"

"I-i really l-liked it and h-he kept on t-telling me that I'm pushing him a-away." Louis says brokenly. "I c-cant do it Liam, I can't." He sobs into Liam's chest.

"You don't have to, its okay." Liam says trying to calm his best friend.

"All this d-dreams come back, I can't take it." Louis says frustratedly as he pulls his hair.

"Hey hey don't do that." Liam says as he tugs Louis' as out of his hair and engulfs him into a hug.

After a few minutes Louis calms down a little and he sits up straight and looks at Zayn who was just staring at them.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this." Louis says slowly. "I don't want to disturb you guys anymore, I think I'll leave."

"No Louis you didn't disturb us at all, you can stay." Liam says quickly and Zayn agrees with him.

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