Chapter 42

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Harry was sitting in the living room, sniffling and thinking of what to do. Louis definitely didn't want to talk to him and he had to do something to fix it.

Niall was there in the kitchen doing God knows what and right when Harry thought to go to kitchen where Niall was, someone knocked the door.

Harry frowned cause they were not expecting anyone at this time. He got up from the couch and saw Niall going towards the door and he followed him.

When the door was opened both the boys were greeted with a not-so-happy Liam. As soon as Harry saw Liam he got scared. He knew how much Liam was protective towards Louis and he got very mad when Louis was upset.

And no wonder Liam was very intimidating when he was angry.

"What the fuck Harry?!" Liam exclaims loudly as he walks past Niall and goes towards Harry.

"I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't mean to hurt him!" Harry sobs but Liam wasn't having it.

"Harry you have no idea what you've done to him! He's miserable and he's blaming everything on himself because he thinks that he did something wrong and that's why you cheated on him!" Liam exclaims.

"I'll f-fix it, I-"

"You can't exactly do anything right now. He doesn't even want to talk about you." Liam informs him.

"I'm really sorry, trust me I didn't do anything on purpose just let me meet him once, we can f-figure things out, just please let me talk to him." Harry pleads as tears roll down his cheeks.

"He doesn't want to talk to you Harry. He's really upset he wouldn't talk to me either." Liam tells hin sadly. "He really loved you Harry even though he never said it. He wanted to surprise you with a dinner date and wanted to ask you to be his boyfriend but you ruined everything."

"H-he what?" Harry asks shocked at Liam's confession. He felt worse now.

"Jesus yes Harry! He even gave up his career for you! And he-"

"What do you mean? He never-"

"And he thinks that you hate him because you found out that he was raped!" Liam says angrily and Harry doesn't miss Niall's shocked face at that confession. He hadn't told Niall anything about Louis' past.

"I'd never hate him Liam, you should know that." Harry sobs. "I'm terribly sorry for what I did and I'm trying to make things right, just give me some time."

"I don't know what you're gonna do, you've fucked up." And with that Liam leaves angrily, making Harry feel as guilty as he could.

Liam was right.

He fucked up.


Harry stared at the ceiling with dull eyes, laying on his bed not really wanting to do anything with his life anymore.

It had been two days since the incident with Louis and he was feeling terrible. He barely ate anything or spoke to anyone (Niall) and even missed Uni. Niall kept pushing him to get out of his room to eat or to shower but he wouldn't listen. All he wanted was Louis.

Thinking of Louis made him cry. He tried to call and text Louis many times but Louis wouldn't pick up which hurted him.

He just wanted to talk to Louis, hold him, kiss him and apologise to him but he couldn't. Louis didn't want to see him anymore and he didn't know what to do.

His heartached thinking of how Louis would have felt. Louis wanted to ask him to be his boyfriend and that was probably a very happy day for Louis but he messed.

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