The 100

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Chapter 1

Fallon was heading from Trishanakru to Trikru to visit her sister Lexa in Polis.

On her way there she saw something falling from the sky. It was heading to a forest with no villages near by.

When it hit the ground she decided since they were close enough to it she would have the guards take her horse to her sister and tell her "I am investigating the space thing. I would appreciate if you do not come after me or send guards. I will tell you what I find. If you do not hear from me in 2 week I am either dead or captured. Only then can you send guards please."

They guards rode of to Polis. While Fallon climbed up in a tree so she could spy on the ship.

She ran using the trees for about a mile when she say it. The drop ship. There was a group of people around it. Teenager definitely not older then 18 years old. And there was about 100 of them.

She was right by a group of 5 guys and 2 girls. They were all wearing metal wristbands. All the guy had dark hair. One had goggles, another had longer brown hair, the one closet to her had black hair, the second closet had a red jacket, and the one furthest away had a dirty black jacket. One of the girls had brown hair and the other had blonde.

The conversation she could hear when she got there was "Well I don't know. Do you want the people you love to think your dead?" The blonde girl said. "Do you want them to follow you down here? In 2 months because they won't if they think we're dying." They were quite for a minute before she spoke again. "Ok. Now let's go."

They all expected for the brunette girl, black haired guy, and the guy in the dirty black jacket started to move the was she had just came. She didn't hear where they were going. But by the direction it looked to be anywhere from Mount Weather to Azgeda.

She stayed in the and listen to the two's conversation. "Go on." The guy said.

The girl gave him a kiss on the cheek before she followed the rest.

Then the blonde walked up to the the black haired guy. "You shouldn't have came here, Wells." She says.

That gave Fallon the guys name. Wells. Then the blonde walked on and the 2 girls and 3 guys started to walk away from the drop ship.

Fallon decided to follow them in the trees instead of staying and spying on the other.

They two girls where behind the 3 guys.

"Just so you know Finn is mine." The brunette said to the blonde. That told Fallon one of the guys name was Finn.

"Before you get any ideas, I don't care." The blonde replied.

Fallon followed them for awhile with nothing interesting happening. Until they reached the flowers.

The long haired guy pick a violet color on and tucked it in behind the brunette girl's ear.

"Now, that, my friend, is game." The guy with the goggles said to the guy with the red jacket.

"That my friend is Poison Sumac." The red jacket guy says.

"What?" The brunette hears which makes her swipe it out from behind her ear and to the ground. "It is?"

"The flowers aren't poisonous." The red jacket guy says. "Their medicinal, calming, actually."

"His family grow all the pharmaceuticals on the Ark." The goggles guy says.

Which gives the stalker in the tree more information. They were from something called the Ark.

"Hey, guys would you try to keep up." Blonde says from a head.

"Come on, Clarke." The long haired guy says.

The blonde girl is Clarke.

"How do you block all this out?" The long haired guy continues.

"Well it's simple." Clarke answers. "I wonder, why haven't we seen any animal?" Fallon knows the answer to that there are not much animal that hang out over here anymore. "Maybe it's because there are none. Maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us. Sure is pretty though. Come on."

The blonde moves a head as the rest of the group stays still. "Someone should slip her some Poison Sumac." The brunette says. Which make goggles snort.

They move forward as the long hair guy asked. "I got to know what you two did to get busted."

That gave Fallon enough information to put two and two together. They are criminals. Probably most of the ones back at the drop ship too.

The red jacket guy made a joke. Then goggles clarified it. "Someone forgot to replace what we took. What about you, Octavia?" The brunette was Octavia. "What's they get you for?"

"Being Born." Octavia saided before she ran ahead. Where Clarke was sitting down watching a deer.

Then it turn to face them. They were shocked to see it had two head. Then it ran away.

They didn't talk about anything interesting until Clarke said "The ark is dying." Their space ship or at least that is what Fallon is going with. Was dying.

Clarke explained how she was locked up to keep it a secret. How the Ark only has about 3 months left of oxygen.

Then Octavia found a river where she jumped in. Then a lizard thing grabbed a hold of her. It swing her around until Clarke dropped a stone to distracted it so it would let go of her so she could get to the surface.

Clarke tied of her leg where a bit was with a piece of goggle's shirt.

It was dark so they decided to sleep in the glowing forest.

Clarke and long haired boy looked around.

When long haired boy found the tunnels.

Nothing else stood out to Fallon.

In the morning the built a vine that should get them arosses the river. They were dangerously close to a Treekru camp. And Treekru guards that river they weren't getting a crossed it.

Then Clarke says "Mount Weather awaits." They would get killed or even worse imprisoned if they went there.

Then Clarke put a face to the name Finn. It was the long haired guy.

Then goggles decides to go he crosses the river. Fallon finds out his name is Jasper. And then a spear hits him in the chest.

Fallon knew it would happen. The group ran and Fallon followed.

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