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Chapter 50

The next day, Madi and Hailey were allowed to start school. Clarke allowed it. Fallon wasn't up in time to stop it. She really tired. She didn't feel good. She was really nauseous. She just layed in bed all day. The sickness was hitting her.

From the notes Russell gave her the next step of the illness was manic behavior.

That night, the manic behavior hit. She could feel it coming on. So she ran out of the cafe to find Russell. She needed him to do what he promised.

Luckily for her he was heading to the cafe. She meet him in the middle of the town. It was pretty empty.

"Russell. I need you to go through with your promise." Fallon said.

"Now?" He asked. "I don't even have a sword."

Fallon grabbed the handle on hers that was in its holster. "I came prepared."

"But your not acting manic." He started.

"I've felt sick all day. Ive had no energy. And now I have a sudden burst of energy."

"Oh." He clearly remembered the things in the Nate packet he gave her. "Did you give your people the letter."

"No." Fallon felt the maniac coming on. "They're in the top drawer of my nightstand."

Russell out out the sword getting ready to stab her. But then her put the blade facing down. "I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?" Fallon started to slightly shake.

"I can't kill you."

"Russell, if you don't do it now, in a few minutes I won't be able to control myself and I will kill you."

"I know."

"THEN JUST DO IT!" She walked towards him.

He put the blade up at her.

"Please, do it?" Fallon eyes started to tear up.

Russell swings the sword back then pushes it forward into Fallon's stomach.

She smiled at him.

Bellamy was at the window. He caught a glance of that. He ran out over to her.

"Russell what the hell?" Bellamy ran over to her. He was there just in time to catch her when Russell pulled out the sword.

"Bellamy, it's okay." She whispered weakly. "I asked him to do it."

"Why would you do that?"

She took her hand of the wound, lifted up her shirt, and showed him the black lines from her old wound where Emorie stabbed her.

"Is that from the red sun?" He asked.

Fallon nodded. "The knife was poisonous."

"How long did you know?" Bellamy asked.

"Since the day Russell and his people took me. He explained it." Her voice was cracking.

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