The Sickness

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Chapter 6

About a week after Fallon had arrived at the Blue Cliff her sister lexa sent her a letter

It read
Dear Fallon,

The sky people are about to send reinforcements. Lucky their ship has not arrived yet. But soon they could send them. I need you to come back to Trikru. I will meet you in Ton DC. Please come as soon as you can.

Your sister

Fallon had a group of guard escort her to Ton DC.

The ride took about a day.

When they arrived Lexa told Fallon how the have already sent for help. And she needs me, since I am familiar with them to relay a message.

She also told Fallon to be careful since she sent an air bound diese to wipe half of them out.

She took her group of guards for protection.

When they arrived at the Camp their was a open gate. So Fallon said that she will make her presents known and they will not come out unless someone tries to attack her. She also made sure there were people in the trees.

She walked in the gate. Nobody really noticed except for a few people who were too afraid and sick to say anything.

She took a few more steps in. That caused Jasper to notice.

"Bellamy." He called.

Bellamy came running out of the drop ship. The minute he saw her he pulled out a gun and pointed it at her.

He looked at her. Her eyes, Her beautiful. He didn't want to shot her. He liked the girl. In a strange why. He knows he had torture and enprisoned her. But he did want to kill her. If he did there would be no chance she would be alive to forgive him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Fallon says.

"Oh, so you can speck English. Whys that?" Bellamy demanded secretly hoping she had a good reason.

"Because I'm not alone." She says as two guards walk through the gate. "And there are more in the trees with arrows. Ready to shot at any time."

"Why are you so well protected? " He asked.

"Because I'm the commanders sister and the leader of The Blue Cliff clan and Rock Line clan. So you are talking to the second most powerful, what do you guys call us? Ah Grounder." She explains "So if you kill me there will be a lot more battles coming your way."

"Why are you here?" He asked as he put his gun down.

"Go back behind the fence." She instructed the guards. "To deliver a message from the Commander."

"What might that be?" Bellamy questioned.

"This sickness is for the fight you tried to start." She says. "If you try to retaliate. In any way. She will come at you personally." Fallon smiles. "Oh, speeching from experience you do not want my sister coming after you personally."

"We have guns now. You don't." Bellamy says.

"That maybe so. But we are quite handy with our weapons. After all we have used them for 100 years."

She turns to leave. "Good luck" she says as she walks out the gate.

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When Fallon gets back to Ton DC her sister tells her that The 100 had put a bomb on the bridge. Where her clan was planning on attacking.

It killed nearly everyone on it.

"War is Coming." Fallon said in response.

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