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Chapter 15

Fallon was in her room that Queen Nia gave her at the Ice Nation Castle. When a messenger told her that there was a summit held by Lexa.

She knew Lexa was trying to get her to show up.

She knew that none her generals would take her place for that. That her Clans would have no voice without her.

So she sent a writer to deliver a message that her general would have to show up to the summit.

There is more news skaikru had taken up permanent residence at Mount Weather.

Fallon knew Lexa would not like this. She was concerned that Bellamy would get hurt.

She didn't know why she was so concerned about a stupid boy.

She decided she would go as one of Queen Nia's seconds. And she would wear lots of face paint.

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Before the summit Fallon was watching in the trees of Mount Weather. She watched Bellamy kiss a beautiful brunette girl.

Fallon ordered her guard to watch and make sure no one hurts the mountain.

Even if Bellamy wasn't inside she wanted his people to be safe.

Then She made her way to Polis. Nia didn't get invited but her son needed a second there.

They watched as Clarke made her way to the stage. Everyone kneld.

Lexa did her whole speech about welcoming Skaikru to the clans. Everyone looked at their seconds or leaders confused.

Then Kane got the mark on his arm. Then Bellamy, Octavia, and a guy Fallon didn't recognize badged in.

Bellamy was holding a guard at gun point. He insisted that the summit was a trap.

Then Lexa demanded him to tell them about how they came by this information. Bellamy looked for Echo but she was nowhere to be found.

That made Fallon smile. But then she realized that Nia ordered it on Mount Weather.

Then Bellamy got the information that mount weather had been attacked and later exploded,

They had to leave but Clarke refused. She said she had to stay with Lexa.

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When Fallon got back to Ice Nation saw Nia. She was proud of what happened at mount weather.

Then Fallon realized Bellamy was right she was a good person deep down. But she couldn't let him be right.

So she stuffed her feelings down. She Smiled at Nia. As if saying good job.

Then she watched as Emerson from Mount Weather came to Nia side.

They talked about Lexa's death.

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