Story Time

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Chapter 33

A little later, Clarke came limping in. She walked into the mess hall.

So Fallon followed. She saw the nasty cut on her leg.

"Let me help." Fallon said. Then Clarke gave Fallon the equipment and explained how to use it. "I ran into a girl."

"Did she run away from you too?" Clarke asked.

"No." Fallon said. "She told me her name."

"How'd you do that?" Clarke asked.

"You forget I'm a grounder. I know how to talk to grounder children without scaring them." Fallon said.

"Okay I get that. But now we all are grounders."

"You say that now. But you forget it my take time for grounders to get used to Skaikru and it will take time for Skaikru to get used to grounders."

"Did she tell you anything else?"

"Yeah. She said she has a friend Madi. Who Is the girl who ran from you. Oh and her name is Hailey. Don't chase after her again. She's young eventually she will need help to survive. She will come to us.


That night Madi and Hailey stole from Fallon and Clarke.

Clarke didn't like it. But Fallon thought it was funny.

The next morning, Clarke and Fallon went to the lake. Where they found Madi and what was assumed to be Hailey there too.
They were hunting for fish in the water.

Clarke scared them off again.

Then Clarke dipped her leg in the water. Fallon just drew. She drew off of the memory of the blonde girl she ran into, Hailey. When Clarke was done she drew the brunette girl.

Then when they were done they left the pictures for the girl to find

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Then when they were done they left the pictures for the girl to find.


6 years later
For the past first year Clarke thought Fallon how to drive. Then for the past 6 years Fallon thought Clarke more Grounder language and traditions.

Fallon was dealing with the oven. While Clarke was out hunting and Madi and Hailey were out driving the rover.

When Madi and Hailey got back they had berries in their hand. " Hey, wash up. It's time for supper." Clarke said.

"Clarke, Fallon look. The berries are ripe." Madi said running over to them.

"The berries are ripe." Hailey said excited running over to madi.

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