Prisoners Take over

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Chapter 34

Clarke and Fallon put the guy Clarke kept alive on an old bait thing that the grounders used. Madi and Hailey didn't like it.

Then when the prisoners came to save him Clarke and Fallon shot at them. In retaliation, the prisoners shot at the ridge Clarke, Madi, Hailey, and Fallon were hiding in.

Clarke protected Madi and Fallon protected Hailey.

They all got up as soon as they could and ran.

Fallon and Clarke hide Madi and Hailey in a hole and covered them up so no one would find them.

Then they ran. Fallon and Clarke got injured due to the blast. But they were motivated to get the prisoners away from Hailey and Madi. And they did that but Fallon also got caught. While Clarke went the other way.

They brought her back to the village.

"Let me see her face." The women who came out of the ship first instructed. The guy who caught Fallon lifted her up by the hair.

"You only caught one?" A boy asked.

"We only saw one." The guy who found her said before he slammed her face back down on the ground.

"I highly doubt she was alone." The boy stated.

The women walked closer to Fallon. "How many others are in the wood?" She asked.

"Ai nou understand.(I don't understand)" Fallon said with a neutral expression on her face, pulling the same thing she did when she was kidnapped by the 100.

The guy who found her slapped her across the face. The guy knelt down in front of Fallon. "Answer the question."

Fallon just looked at him unfazed. That made him mad. He was about to punch her but the women stopped him. "Not yet. First we pray." She said. The guy took Fallon into the church.


The guy tied Fallon to a chair. Then punched her in the face.

That made the boy attack him. But he lost. So the women made the guy go sweep the woods for Fallon's friends.

Then they noticed her blood on the floor. It was black. The women ordered for a med kit.

"We got of on the wrong foot you and I. We had no idea that there was anyone alive down here. How could we have? We were just trying to get back home." The women said. "Imagine our surprise when we found that there was no home to get back to, and then your people started killing mine. Surly you can understand why I'm upset. Just like you were upset when we took your village. I don't blame you. When a fascist government tried to take my home, I wanted blood, too, and I got it. Nobody else has to die today. You tell me what I need to know, and we can come up with an arrangement that works for all of us. Sound like a plan?"

"Maybe she doesn't speak English." The boy said remembering not understanding her a little while back.

"She speaks English." The women stated. "She just skilled at withstanding torture. But also knows if we think she doesn't, we'll speak freely around her. Reveal something she can use against us. Every time patrol checks in..." She grabs the radio off the table besides her. "she gives it a side eye. She's tracking our movements. That's all she cares about. You don't want to talk that's fine. Don't talk. But we'll see how you feel when we fine who ever it is you're protecting."

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