Wanheda and Warheda

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Chapter 14

Bellamy had not seen Fallon since she left Mount Weather.

And Skaikru had not seen Clarke since she left. That was about a month ago.

Bellamy, Miller, Monty, Octavia, Raven, and Jasper got a tip. They thought it was farm station from the Ark. But it ended up being Azgeda. The Ice Nation.

"We're looking for Wanheda." One of the Ice Nation soilders said in grounder language.

Octavia translationed it into english for Bellamy and the rest of the group. Then Monty noticed the beacon on on of them.

Jasper went to grab it. One of the soilders put there sword to his thoart and cut it a tiny bit.

Not enough to kill him.

They shot the soilders. Then they got a summon from Kane. He and Indra wanted to talk.

Monty and Bellamy went to met them while the rest headed back to camp.

Bellamy thought it was about the fight with Ice Nation but it was actually about Clarke.

"What about her?" Bellamy asked concerned.

"She's being hunted." Indra informed him.

"By who?" Monty questioned.

"By everyone." Indra tells them.

"Why is she being hunted?" Bellamy asked.

"Clarke's a symbol. She is known as Wanheda. The Commander of Death.

Bellamy tells Indra that the Azgeda guys we're asking about her and he asked why.

Indra tells them about that her people believe when you kill someone you get their power. And that what Clarke did in the mountain made her powerful. And how Clarke weakened Lexa.

"Azgeda is listening to Warheda. The War Commander. Now their queen wants Clarke's power." Indra tells them. "If her people believe she has it. She'll break the coalition and start a war. I can't let that happen."

"Wait who is Warheda?" Bellamy asked.

"No one knows expect the queen and a few of her closest people." Indra informed.
"And rumor has it she is working out a deal with the Blue Cliff Nation, Rock Line Nation, and Floukru. She would just need to people's approval for those deals to work."

"And who might that be?" Kane asked.

"The floukru leader and..." Indra said before she was interrupted.

"Fallon." Bellamy interrupts.

"So why don't you just find them and make a better deal?" Monty asked.

"We tried. Floukru moves around a lot and Fallon hasn't been found since Mount Weather." Indra informs them.

Bellamy started to wonder if Fallon was safe or if she was dead.

"Welcome to sector 7. Where to now?" Monty asked.

"If she's here she'll need supplies." Indra tells them. "Start at the trading posts."


Clarke was at a trading post selling panther meat info.

She got a scratch on her back when she killed.

So her friend Nyla cleaned it for her. Nyla then kissed Clarke. Clarke took of Nyla's and you can imagine the rest.

Clarke left but not before a Ice Nation guy grabbed her.


A week after the mountains downfall
Warheda came to Ice Nation. Of course she was not treated with open arms. She was a new person.

The guards took her to the Queen. The queen looked at her surprised.

"What are you doing here?" The queen asked.

"I'm am here to make you a deal." Warheda told her.

"If it is for the Commander I am not interested." The queen told her.

"Not for Lexa. For me."

"What is your deal?" The queen asked.

"I have strategy for a war against the Commander." Warheda informed.

"Why would you do that." The queen said as she got of her throne. "After all she is your sister, Fallon."

"Not anymore. She left me to die in Mount Weather." Fallon told the queen. "I would prefer it if you call me something else when you talk about our plan."

"Ok, then, Commander of War, Warheda." The queens came up with. "All hail Warheda. War Commander in the War against Heda."

"All hail Warheda." Everyone yelled in excitement.

They work on their battle strategy when they came up with creating false rumors but some real so Lexa doesn't know what to trust. It would make her completely paranoid.

 It would make her completely paranoid

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