Bunker Conclave

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Chapter 29

When Fallon got back to the Rock Line, she found that 67 of her people had died due to the acid rain. One of her trusted advisors from the Blue Cliff told her that 39 of her people died there. So now out of all her clans there were only 201 people remaining.

Fallon was at the Rock Line when she got word of a bunker in Polis. The bunker that could help the human race survive Praimfaya. And they were hosting a conclave to decide which Clan got to use it to survive Praimfaya.  

So without hesitation Fallon signed up to fight for both The Rock Line and The Blue Cliff. Then she got on her fastest horse and rode to Polis.

She arrived just in time to find out that Clarke is now a nightblood.

Then she got ready, She got on her war clothes and grabbed her weapon of choice, which was a bow and arrow. She attended the ceremony before the fight began. Got her Clan’s symbols. Fallon was the only one who got 2. One for Boudalan and the other for Ouskejon Kru. Then she took her place next to Roan and Octavia. 

When the ceremony was almost over, Luna Kom Floukru showed up. She was fighting so no one would be saved.

Then every tribute went down to train. Then they were allowed to go up. Fallon Clan wasn’t there yet. They were on their way. So while the other tributes were talking to the people they were fighting for, Fallon was sitting and watching. That got boring so she looked at a picture of her and Lexa. To remind herself who she was truely fighting for, her little sister and everything she stood for.

After that she just waited for the conclave to begin.

Fallon just walked around, that was when she saw Roan in the middle of a battle. She shot an arrow at the guy’s heart. That killed him instantly. Then she gave Roan a wink. That made him smile. Fallon then walked away.

The next thing she knew she saw Octavia being chased. So she decided to help her out. Fallon shot an arrow into the guy chasing her in the leg.

“Thanks.” Octavia said, relieved.

“Any time, Octavia Kom Skikru.” Fallon said before she walked off. There were 2 tributes dead, Gael Kom Ingranronakru and Fio Kom Trikru.

Fallon went back to the weapons area. Where she found Luna making fun of Lincoln in front of Octavia. Saying he was a fool. With every insult the rage in Fallon built up. Lincoln was like a brother to her.

It just kept building until Fallon had enough rage to attack.

Fallon fired an arrow at Luna’s back. Luna turned around in pain. 

“Ah, Look who decided to join us.” Luna said. “What is this your first Conclave since you got sick with the plague during what should have been your first one.”

“Yeah I did. But you are lucky. Cause if I was in that one you wouldn’t have had the chance to run,” Fallon stated. That made Luna charge at Fallon. She dodged it, then hit Luna in the stomach.

Luna responded by punching Fallon in the eye.Then Fallon kicked Luna in the stomach. Then Fallon let down a bunch of pipes on Luna. And ran away with Octavia beside her.

They ran to a house. Where they ran into Ilion. Octaivia threatened him, then left.

Bellamy was spying on the fight, when he saw someone in a blue cliff mask shoot a guy. But he had just seen Fallon so it couldn't have been her. He figured out it was Echo. He decided to wait until dark to comfort her.

Octavia and Fallon split up. Fallon ran into Roan. They decided to make allies.

Fallon knew if it came down to it, Roan could kill her. So she would just ensure her people's safety by making sure he gave them a spot. All 101 of them. His population could fit them in.

Then the 2 saw Bellamy run into a building. So they ran in too. They walked in on Bellamy choking Echo. So Fallon kicked him to get him off of her. Fallon checked on Echo, While Roan took care of Bellamy. 

“I should’ve known you two couldn’t stay away.” Roan said. Fallon helped Echo up.

“We heard you all the way down the street.” Fallon stated. “You’re lucky we weren’t a scout.

“I came to stop her.” Bellamy said to Roan. That made Roan talk to Echo. Then Bellamy talked to Fallon. “Really you chose him as your alli, out of everyone on this battlefield you chose him”

“Strictly to make sure my people survive even if I don’t.” Fallon explained. Bellamy looked at her confused. “I told him if he dies I will let his people into the bunker. In return if I die he has to do the same. It’s all based on the numbers. He has the perfect population to fit my and his people in and a few more.”

Roan banished Echo. Then let Bellamy go.

Only 4 warriors remained. Luna, Roan, Octavia, and Fallon.

Later that night, Roan and Fallon ran into Octavia. Roan wanted to propose a truce. Which Octavia expected.

Roan heard Luna coming, ao he told Octavia and Fallon to go back and surprise her. Which they did. The 3 fought against Luna. She wounded Octavia and Roan. And only gave Fallon a few cuts.Roan got Luna on the ground. Then the acid rain hit.

Octavia ran but Roan didn’t. He and Fallon stayed to fight. Roan caught her by the neck. Fallon stabbed her. But it also stabbed Roan.

“Yu gonplei ste odon.” Fallon said. “Luna Kom Floukru en Roan Kom Azgeda.” Then Fallon walked over to where Octavia was. ”I’m not gonna kill you.”

“You're not.” Octivia said, surprised. “Why?”

“It’s like I told your brother, I want my people to survive. Now that there are less of them, it is easier to find a place for them. Your people have enough room for me to fit each one of them in minus myself. So if you kill me just promise you’ll make room for them.”

“I have a better idea.” Octavia said. She explained how she can make room for 100 people from each clan. So every clan will have a chance at survival.

Fallon liked the idea. So she grabbed the symbols from Roan and Luna and the 2 went up to the throne room. Where Octavia explained her plan once again. How we are all Wonkru and all Clans will live one minus Floukru.

But Skikru had already taken over the bunker. Like the mountain men. They were traitor

 They were traitor

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ain men. They were traitors.

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