How the World Used to be

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Chapter 35

They then forced Fallon and Clarke into a tiny room with 3 benches, while they figured everything out.

Clarke and Fallon were trying to get some rest when they heard the door open behind them. They looked over to see Bellamy. He saw Clarke first. So he went to her first.

He didn't notice Fallon untill a little later.

"Fallon?" He asked.

"Yeah. What didn't recognize me cause of the hair?" Fallon asked. He stood up and slowly walked over to her.

"Something like that." He said before he hugged her.

"It's nice to see you again." Fallon whispered into his ear.

"I'm sorry we had to leave you both behind." He said as he released from the hug.

"It fine with me. I was never planning on going to space." Fallon said.

"Why?" He asked.

"I would never leave the place I've known all my life. The ground is my home. And I was raised to "never leave your home behind."

"Hailey and Madi? Where are Hailey and Madi?" Clarke asked.

"With the rest of the group. Monty, Echo, Emorie, Harper." He answered.

"What about Raven and Murphy?" Fallon asked.

"They stayed to make sure these people don't kill us all." Bellamy stated. They started to talk about personal things. So Fallon snuck out without Clarke or Bellamy realizing she left.

She found the guard in the hall and she asked him to take her to Shaw. He was reluctant but agreed.

When she walked in the room Shaw didn't even look back.

"What do you need now McCreary or Diyoza?" He asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Fallon walked around the room tracing her fingers on everything. "Wow you don't like it here do you?" Fallon asked which made Shaw turn around. "Oh, BTW, I'm not Diyoza or McCreary. If you couldn't tell."

"What are you doing in here?" He asked walking over to her.

"There a meeting with my friend's friend in the room they stuffed us in, and I got bored." Fallon stated. "So I asked the guard to bring me to you."

"Why?" He asked.

"Why else." She said walking closer to him. "I want to know more about the Harley and Detroit." Fallon grabbed a glass object and played with it.

"Yeah but before I do, you lived on the ground your whole life?" He asked to clearify.

"Yeah born and raised. Why?" Fallon asked.

"What happened to Detroit?" He asked.

"I don't know. I think it is now part of what used to be Azgeda." Fallon stated. "But it also might be apart if many miles of uninhabited land. Most of the earth got a little spread out during the first world ending."

"So you never saw anything about Detroit?" He asked.

"I saw a sign, A welcome to Detroit sign. But it wasn't planted. It was on the ground. So it could have been pushed by the wind. I'm sorry." Fallon said.

"Hey my family used to live in Colorado. Do you know what happened to that state?" He asked.

"That I know. Some of it is uninhabited land. But the other part was this beautiful town in
Ingraronakru." Fallon stated.

"Thank you." He said knowing a bit more about the world he came back to.

"Anytime." She said with a smile. "I should be getting back." She turned to leave. But then she remembered he wanted her to tell him her name. So she turned back around. "Fallon Mom Ouskejonkru and Boudalan." He looked at her confused. "That's my name. But Fallon or Fal will work just fine." He smiled then she turned back around to leave and walked out.


Then she got back just in time, to hear Raven and Murphy on the radio. Bellamy saw Fallon when Clarke was talking to them.

"Where the hell did you go?" He asked concerned.

"Relax, I just went to talk to a new found friend. And I asked the guard to take me to him." Fallon said.

"Him? Who is this guy?" Bellamy asked.

"None if your business." Fallon said. Then he grabbed the radio from Clarke when she didn't give him an answer. Bellamy told them to pull the plug if they didn't hear from him.

Then they took off a few minutes later.

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