Opportunity Ahead

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Chapter 10

Clarke tried to pry open the cages but it didn't work.

So she went to grab a metal bar. That worked it broke the lock. She got Anya's then she was going to get Fallon's.

"Come on, quick. You're ok." Clarke says as she got Anya out of her cage. Only to be stuffed back in. But with Clarke this time. When the Lady who was gonna take someone else came in.

But this time she just go blood and didn't take anyone.

Clarke opened the cage as soon as she was gone. Then she opened Fallon's cage.

She helped Anya and Fallon go through a trash shot. At the bottom was just dead body's.

They got out of the trash shot box. But Anya and Fallon want to stay and save their people.

Clarke talked Anya out of it but not Fallon. Told them to take a body that looked somewhat like her and use it to make mount weather think she went with them.

While she went under cover as a worker there. Anya and Clarke were reluctant but agreed.

They heard reapers so they went to hide with the dead.

They picked through the dead but then left.  With the Minecrate. Clarke and Anya ran one way while Fallon snuck past the reapers. To get back inside.

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Fallon made it back inside and put another ravened haired girl outside and stole her clothes and baged

Then she just blended in. No one was looking for her because they stole the fake her.

She didn't see any sign that Clarke and Anya were caught.

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When Clarke got to Arcadia which was were the Ark survivers stayed they shot Anya. And almost killed Clarke.

But luckily Abby Clarke's mom reconize her. She took Clarke to Med bay and got her cleaned up.

When Clarke woke up the next day she was insistence that she had to get back to save Jasper, Monty, Miller the other 44 people in mount weather, and Fallon.

"Wait, honey, who's Fallon?" Abby asked her daughter not recognizing the name.

"A Grounder." Clarke's answers.

"A grounder. You can't be serious. Her kind almost wiped out the 100." Abby explained.

"I know and I'm not going to say she is completely innocent in that. Cause she did kind of help lead that army,  and she did spy on us. But she saved Octavia's life and she helped me escape." Clarke informes her mother

"And if I tell the Commander of the Grounders that she and other of her people were taken she will help us." Clarke Continues.

"Why would she care about that 1 girl?" Abby asked.

"Because she is her sister." Clarke explained.

That left Abby stunned.

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Bellamy, Octavia, Monroe, and another girl returned to camp. Clarke ran from her tent to hug them.

When she was done she told them who was in mount weather with her.

When she brought up Fallon Bellamy flinched. Clearly his crush wasn't completely gone.

Then they brain strom how to leave camp without Abby stopping them.

They find a plan then executes it.

Later on that trip they find Finn and Murphy. Finn had just killed a innocent Trikru Village.

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Kane and Jaha were thrown into a Trikru Village Prison.

They were waiting there for 2 day alone until Lexa's right hand who was pretending to be the Commander and Lexa who was pretending to be a servant came down.

Lexa sat in the corner to get them to talk to her.

Lexa tells them how a sky person murdered a village full of helpless people.

Lexa explains that one must kill the other or the Commander will slit both their thoarts.

Kane tells Jaha to kill him in which Jaha refuses. So Kane slits his wrist.

Jaha saves him the puts the knife to Lexa's throat.

The guard come in and see Jaha threatening Lexa.

Lexa says "He made his choice, now one's mine." In Grounder Creole.

She elbow him and knocks him to the ground.

Then she walked over to them and got all her Commander gear back.

"You're the Commander?" Kane notices

"I've learned much about you. It's clear your intention are honorable. Your desire for peace is true." Lexa says. Then she order a guard to free him.

"Now I just want to know. Did you people kill my sister." She says as she has her guards attack Jaha.

"Stop." Kane Pleaded.

"They will if you tell me what happened to my sister." Lexa said.

"I don't know." Kane says.

Lexa turns around and leaves vengeful.

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