The Barrels

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Chapter 27

The next day, Fallon stayed to help Roan. They needed to drive the last 10 barrels of hydrazine to Raven. Which one wrong step could kill them.

Fallon stayed with Clarke and Bellamy were in the first car. While Roan and the barrels were in the second. She listened to their conversation how Octavia hasn't forgiven Bellamy for killing Lincoln.

Then they saw people on the road. Fallon got out of the car. "Stay here." She told Bellamy and Clarke. But Clarke didn't listen.

"Ai laik fallon kom Boudalan en Ouskejonkru. (I am Fallon from the Rock Line and Blue Cliff.)" Fallon stated.

"Ask them if they need any help?" Clarke asked.

"Dula op Yu gaf eni help? (Do you need any help?)" Then Bellamy got out.

"Wanheda and Warheda, Azgeda burned our village to the ground." One of the solider stated. "My father caught an ax with his leg and we can't stop the bleeding. " Clarke, Bellamy and Fallon ran over to the father.

Clarke told him there was nothing the could do.

The man started to ask them for a ride. And told Fallon how the Plain Riders and Broadleaf were making a move on Azgeda.

Then Bellamy noticed a kid getting close to where they could spot Roan. Then the saw them. All of them got in the car and drove off.

Their next problem was a lake in there path. Fallon and Clarke stayed back with the truck full of barrels. While Bellamy and Roan took the Rover to find a way a crossed it.

"Ai haihefa Oso should gyon au kom Yu.(My king we should go with you.)" A guard said.

"Eintheing ste mou meija than Disha cargo en flame holder. Kep in emo klir. (Nothing is more important than this cargo and the flame holder. Keep them safe.)" Roan said. The guard nodded and watched Roan get in the car.

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Fallon and the rest of the group that stayed were waiting for Bellamy and Roan to come back, when they got attacked by to of their guards.

"Clarke stay behind me." Fallon said. "Get the radio."

"Not gonna happen Wanheda." A soldiers said. Fallon looked around and saw all of the other soilders down. "Wanheda, you are gonna drive. Warheda, is gonna be next to me for leverage." They forced Clarke into the drivers seat. And took Fallon back to the back. All Fallon thought was how much of a traitor they were.

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When no one was responding to the radio Bellamy and Roan got concerned. So they drove back.

They found a body bag in the water. They got it out.

Bellamy was just hoping it was Fallon or Clarke. But it was the solider Roan told to protect Fallon and the Cargo, Seilku.

They drove the rover on the path to Polis. Hoping that they could reach the truck faster then the people from the road could reach Polis. They got to this grassland and saw the truck.

Bellamy got the rover as close as he could to the truck. Then he saw a the guy put a knife to Fallon's throat.

She punched him in the eye, He fell back, then a bullet hit him in the forehead. That allowed Clarke to stop the car.

Clarke walked out mostly unharmed. While Fallon came out with a cut on her eyebrow, cheek, and mouth, and a coming in black eye.

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They went back to the lighthouse. This time Roan and Clarke rode in the Truck while Fallon and Bellamy went in the Rover.

While Fallon was in there the commanders in her head were screaming at her. "Ha could Yu na krei stupid. Yu let a good solider wan op today. (How could you be so stupid. You let a good solider die today.)" They all said.

"Shof op. (Be quiet.)" Fallon said out loud.

"Hey you okay?" Bellamy asked not sure what she was saying. But also knowing some used that to tell the Grounders to be quiet.

"Yeah I'm fine." Fallon said lying.

"Okay, I might not speak your language. But I do understand a few words. Like be quiet." Bellamy said looking at her straight in the eye. "No was making any noise."

"It's the flame. The past commanders are screaming at me. Everytime I do something they don't approve of they yell. Like letting a loyal solider die, not wanting to be commander, or letting myself for even a second show weakness." Fallon explained.

"Like love?" He asked.

"Yeah. Love."

Then they got to a lake. Bellamy went to talk to Clarke. While Roan and Fallon checked on the Barrels.

They noticed on of them had a trikru arrow in it.

"Hey, we have a problem." Fallon yelled. The 2 came running over to the truck. Roan showed them the arrow then tipped it over. It was empty.

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