The Radiation

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Chapter 24

Fallon was Floukri dealing with a problem, when a illness hit. She, Nyko, and Luna decided to take the Ill to Skikri.

When they got there they were greeted with guns pointed at them.

Then Clarke and Bellamy came out. Bellamy looked around a bit before he saw Fallon taking care of a sick girl.

"Nyko." Clarke said looking at the sick people.

"What if it's a grounder attack? Like they did with Murphy." Miller whispered to Bellamy. Who didn't take his eyes of the girl.

"What happened to them?" Clarke asked.

"The sickness." Nyko explain. While Bellamy walked beside Clarke.

"We lost more than 40 on the way." Spoke Fallon. "Boudalan and Ouskejon are also infected. It seems like it is spreading in open water area's."

Clarke and Bellamy looked at the sick coughing kids. Then Bellamy sees a familiar face.

"Luna?" He asked which made her look up.

"Please don't turn us away because of what I did to you." Luna pleaded.

Then Abby came out from the crowd of people behind the gate. She nelded down in front of the kid Nyko was holding.

Clarke asked Abby what they were dealing with. Then Abby said the symptoms. "It's ARS." Abby told them.

"What's ARS?" Bellamy asked.

"Acute Radiation Sickness." Abby told him.

Which made Bellamy look at Fallon concerned.

That also made Fallon feel terrible. If she listened to ALLI none of this would happen.

Then Abby asked when the symptoms started.

They weren't sure. But around the same time the fish at Flou Kri started dying.

Abby told the group it wasn't contagious. So the sky people decided to let them go to Med Bay.

Fallon help to young boys. While Bellamy stood behind her. Watching her making sure she didn't faint.

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Fallon was the least sick so Abby asked her questions. Like were the 3 Clans were located.

So Fallon draw her a map. Fallon also gave were the infected villages were.

Black dots are the infected Villages. The blue highlights are the water streams

After they were down Fallon went back to lay down

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After they were down Fallon went back to lay down.

She just listened to their conversation. They think that it wasn't air born. It was from eating radiated fish.

Bellamy and Clarke talked to Luna.

After they talked to Fallon. She wasn't the most help.

When Clarke left Bellamy stayed to talk to her.

"So you left wit no goodbye." He said irradiated.

"I'm sorry." Fallon said delusional. She over exerted herself. She saw her and her father's last conversation

"Why." Bellamy said. That was the same thing Fallon heard. She just saw her father say it.

"Love is weakness. I know." Fallon said which made Bellamy confused.

"What do you mean I know." Bellamy said. Fallon heard. "You're a disappointment Fallon."

"Dad I'm sorry." Fallon said. That made Bellamy understand. She was hallucinating.

In Fallon's hallucination she saw her dad stick out his hand. He was gonna hit her.

"Dad, please." Fallon said in a scared tone. "I won't love again I promise. Please don't hit me."

Bellamy heard that. So that was why Fallon was afraid of love. Because her father taught her that it was a bad thing.

He sat in a chair next to her.

Then Fallon's next hallucination started. It was of her first love.

They were laying in the woods. When two guards from the village attacked him.

"No, please stop hurting him." Fallon pleaded yelling.

"I'm a sorry night bleeder. We need to protect our next commander." The guard said before he executed her boy friend in front of Fallon.

"No" She yelled falling to the ground. They walked off. "I'm so sorry, Ryland. Loving me is a death sentence. We figured that out the hard way. I will always love you."

Then Fallon woke from her hallucination. To see Bellamy in a chair next to her.

"So that's why you're afraid of love." Bellamy states. "Because your first love was killed."

"Yeah." Fallon said.

Bellamy was about to say something before Jackson came to tell him that Fallon needed rest.

He got up and left. But before he stepped out the door he looked back to see Fallon throwing up blood.

He was terrified of losing her. Bellamy no idea why he loved so much. He had just meet her almost a year ago.

When Bellamy was gone she got up and conforted the kids that still alive despite Jackson's every attempt to stop her.

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