Play Your Cards Right

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Chapter 36

When they got to the ruins of polis, the prisoners began digging into the rubble. Then when they created a hole, Bellamy went in first. Then Clarke did. Soon after Fallon followed.

From the rock line and blue cliff started muttering. They were happy to see their leader was alive. So was every remaining grounder. They were happy to see that the flame holder was alive.

The prisoners came down. Octavia told Bellamy and Fallon that there was no longer 1200 in the bunker. But 814.

Fallon helped everyone up. With every grounder came another happy face to see her.


Later that night, when everyone was out of the bunker, Fallon was walking around. She heard a conversation between McCreary and another prisoner.

The prisoner thought Clarke was trying to create an army.

When the prisoner left McCreary alone, Fallon walk to the side of him.

"She's not gonna start a war." Fallon stated.

"And why should I trust you?" He asked.

"You shouldn't." Fallon said honestly. "But I am telling you the truth about that. I've spent 6 years with just her and 2 kids. She still doesn't trust me. But I know stuff about her. She grow up in space. But when she came down to earth she was obsessed with making peace with my people."

"And who are your people?" He asked.

"Anyone who seemed happy to see or is giving you the evil eye right now." Fallon said which made McCreary look around. "That's about every here other then maybe exactly or least than 100."

"Wait, she not on of you?"

"Not exactly. Me and most of these people grew up down on earth. 100 of them grew up in space. The space people sent 100 teens to test if the earth was survivable. My sister who was the grounders leader wanted war because they were stealing our land. The space people wanted peace. And went to great lengths to get it."

"So you are telling me, she wants peace more then anything?"

"Yes. I will never be trusted. I help my sister with the war. But if you play your cards right, she'll trust you." Fallon said before she walked away.

Then she heard a large blast. And McCreary grabbed her by the neck. He knew most of the people wouldn't let her die. She was their hostage.

They wanted Abby. And when they found her, they took her, Kane, and Fallon on the ship.

The prisoners knew Fallon might be useful leverage. And they knew Shaw had a soft spot for her.

Every grounder just watched them take her. They felt helpless. But they couldn't help. It would be suicide. The prisoners had powerful guns.

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