Running Away

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Chapter 42

The next day, the prisoners brought in Murphy and Emorie. Fallon, Raven, Emorie, Murphy, Echo, and Shaw all sat down on Raven's bed and talked about important stuff.

That same day almost all of the prisoners of the prisoners got away. Fallon decided to stay to get Abby out. Though Shaw, Raven, Murphy, Emorie, Kane, Diyoza, Echo, and some more did go.

The people in the bunker, locked up Clarke but then got out and ran with Madi and Hailey. Knowing that Octavia had arrested Bellamy, Indra, and Gaia. That she was also probably gonna kill them.

She had a guard help her take them to the river. Then he pointed a gun at her.

"No. No. Please. We had a deal." Clarke said with her hands up.

"These are my orders." He said before he pointed the gun at her head.

"Put the gun down, Joroum." Hailey said from the passenger seat of the river. "Yu lui Joroum kom Sangedakru. (You are Joroum kom Sangedakru.) Son of Lisbeth from Sangedakru. You served with honor in the Royal guard of Lexa kom Trikru."

"How do you know that?" Clarke asked.

"Here." Hailey said as she handed Clarke a drawing of the man. Then she handed it to the man.


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"Heda." He said before he fell to the ground. He was happy that she cared enough to draw him. Then a bullet went in his forehead.

"Why did you do that?" Madi asked concerned.

"You know why." Clarke said as she put her hand on the door.

"Clarke, if we run, Octavia wins." Hailey said then remembered how Gaia, Indra, and Bellamy were arrested. "Gaia, Indra and Bellamy will die. Fallon will never forgive you."

"They made their choice." Clarke said before she shut the door of the car. Then got in the drivers seat.  Then she drove away. Leaving the dead body of Joroum laying on the ground.

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