The Deal

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Chapter 13

Lexa sets up a meeting with Clarke.

She is open to making peace but she wants Finn and information on her sister's location.

Clarke doesn't agree to give up Finn but make she tell Lexa about Anya and Fallon.

"Anya died a hero's death.She also told me to give you this." Clarke gives her a stranded of hair.

Which Indra doesn't believe is her's. "And your sister decided to stay in mount weather. But no as a prisoner, as a worker so she could help free your people."

"That does sound like her." Lexa says "But I'm sorry. My people need someone to answer for the massacre at the Village."

Clarke asked what if she could turn reapers back to man. Lexa agrees but she need to see evidence of that.

So Clarke shows her to the drop ship where they were holding Lincoln.

He was dead when they got there so Indra orders them to be killed. But before they could Abby shocked him with the electric stick. Which after a few tries makes him breathe again.

But Lexa still wanted Finn.

So later that day Finn offered himself to her and peace was made.

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The next day they had a summent to celebrate the alliance.

Where Bellamy said he was going inside mount weather.

After some thinking Clarke agreed.

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Bellamy got into mount weather. Then they hung him in the blood room.

That were Fallon found him. She looked at the people hanging upside down and saw him.

"Bellamy" she said.

She grabbed a medicine shot which she zapped him with which made him insistently wake up.

"Fallon" He said as he saw the face of his hero.

"Yeah I'm gonna lower you down now." He was laying on the ground now. He took out the tubes stealing his blood while Fallon untied him.

Then they heard the door open.

"Are you from the ark?" She asked Bellamy completely not noticing Fallon.

"Yeah. I'm Bellamy."

"Jasper told me about you." The girl says.

"You know Jasper?" Fallon asked

"Oh I didn't see you there." The girl says. "He's my friend. Oh, I'm Maya btw."

"Hi, Maya, I'm Fallon."

"Oh he told me about you." Maya said a little scared.

"Not good things, I'm taking it by the sound of your voice." Fallon says. "Probably not he only really know me by the bad."

They where going to leave when a guard walked in. He tried to attack Bellamy who ended up winning. He stole the guards uniform. And wore it.

Then they looked for a radio. Bellamy found one and Maya stood watch.

"Ark station do you copy." He said into the radio

Raven and Clarke answered. "Bellamy."

"I'm in. I've found Fallon and a friend of Jaspers."

They talked for a couple of minutes before they had to go but before they stopped talking Fallon asked Clarke to give Lexa a message. "Lexa I'm fine so stop worrying."

"I will" Clarke said.

Then they turned of the radio. Maya took them back to her room. So they could get sleep.

Talked her dad into letting them stay. He was hesitant at first but then agree to let them sleep on the couch.

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