Failed Ambush

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Chapter 26

A few weeks later, Fallon was on her way to Trikru, when she saw a horse. She didn't think much of it but then she saw Octavia on the ground next to it.

"Octavia!" Fallon yelled. She got of her horse so she could get to Octavia. Octavia had a big cut on her stomach. Like she was stabbed by a sword. "Octavia, what happened to you?"

"Echo." She mumbled before she fell back unconscious.

Fallon picked her up, grabbed Octavia's horse, gave it to a boy who came later on, then got Octavia in front of her so they could ride to Skikru.

Where she and Harper helped get her to Clarke.

"Clarke!" Harper called trying to get Clarke's attention.

"Octavia?" Clarke asked looking at the girl in Fallon's arms. "Get her on the table." Which Fallon did. "What happened to her?" Clarke looked at Fallon

"I don't know. I found her in the woods. She muttered something about Echo. And it looks like a stab wound to me." Fallon explained.

Clarke had to give Octavia CPR and mouth to mouth. Which brought her back to life.

"Getting her here saved her life. Thank you." Clarke said.

"Yeah well I should probably get going." Fallon explained.

"Why so soon?" Monty asked.

"I have to go to Polis. Have a meeting with the king." Fallon told him. "But Ilian" the guy who brought Octavia's horse back. "with stay here."

Then Fallon left, with the relief of knowing Octavia was alive.

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When Fallon got to Polis, the king wanted her to come with him and his army to ambush Skikru. So that's what she did.

But when they got half way there Clarke was there. They thought there was no way Octavia survived.

The king had his archers aim their arrow at Clarke. But then green dot started to pop up on him.

Then they brought out some prisoners. They were Bellamy and Kane.

"Why the hell are they your prisoners?" Fallon asked the king.

"For leverage." The king explained. "Don't let your crush get in the way of our goal, Fallon. Don't be like your sister. Who let those feelings ruin everything."

"I don't have a crush on him. Even if I did, I wouldn't let that get in the way of everything we've built." Fallon stated.

"Good girl." The king said which didn't make Fallon to happy.

The King left with Clarke. Then Fallon got of her horse.

"Tell us when it's done." Echo said.

"I will." Fallon said before she snuck into the rocks where the fires were. Bellamy watched as Fallon disappeared.

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"The wait is killing me." Harper said.

"Relax they should be at the cave by now." Monty stated. "Besides its not like we have another opinion. We have to give Clarke time."

"Monty." Harper said. "Fallon is gone." Monty looked down and saw her horse with no one on it.

"I'll radio them." Monty said reaching for his radio.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." Fallon said from behind them pointing an arrow at Harper's head.

"Fallon come on. Your better then this. You saved Octavia's life." Harper said.

"Anyone could have done that. Hell Ilion could have done that. He would have saved her. I just got there first." Fallon said.

Then there was a unit check. Fallon made Monty do it. But unit 2 didn't respond. He was no longer there. Fallon ran down to warn her army.

But by the time she got down there Monty already warned them.

Bellamy, Echo, and Fallon all went to stop the kid.

"Are you really willing to kill your own man to save my king?" Echo asked.

"Don't you get sick of it? Sides. My man, your king. Primfya doesn't give a damn about what clan you're from." Bellamy asked talking to Fallon.

"In glad you'll get a chance to say goodbye to you're sister before it comes." Fallon stated. "Unless we all die here today."

"If you had killed her, Echo, these chains would be around your neck." Bellamy said..

"It's like Queen Nia used to say "War makes murderers of us all." Fallon said.

When they got there, they found the kid Riley with his gun pointed at the cave. Echo wanted to shot him but Bellamy stepped in front of her bow.

Fallon didn't want to deal with it so she knocked him out. 

"What, I didn't want to take the chance. Did you?" Fallon said knowing if Riley killed King Roan, she would have to be the commander and lead the army's into war.
"Come on Echo." Then Fallon and Echo walked away to meet up with Roan and Clarke.

They were talking about a solution when they saw smoak coming from Arkadia. The group all ran back.

Clarke and Bellamy ran off when they saw Octavia, Nilay, and Ilian come out. Then they all watched as Arkadia was completely destroyed.

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