The Flame

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Chapter 21

Fallon didn't make it back in time to fight in the Conclave buts she did make it to see who won.

It was Ontari. The Azgeda night bleeder.

Ontari liked Fallon. Fallon liked her to.

They respected each other. They hugged each other.

"Congrats Ontar." Fallon said.

"Thanks. Where were you during the fight? Not that I'm not happy that you are still alive but how." She asked.

"I had to deal with those annoying little Skaikru brats." She explained.

"Don't you worry soon enough they will all be dead." Ontari ensured Fallon.

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Fallon slip her days up. For the first half she was leading a army in the Blue Cliff and Rock Line. While the other half she spent morning her sister.

Lexa was all Fallon had. Except for her people.

Fallon spent that half of her day thinking about what she should have done instead of being mad at Lexa.

She should have been by her side. Not been mad about Lexa leaving her in the Mountain.

When Lexa was thinking that's what Fallon would have wanted her to do.

All Fallon to do now was hug her beautiful sister and tell her she loved her.

She never told Lexa she loved her.

Not in her whole life did Fallon ever say I Love You.

They had grown up think love was a Weakness while in Lexa's reality it was a strength.

Lexa loved Clarke which made her a fair Commander.

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Fallon returned to Polis a couple weeks after Lexa's death.

Everyone was acting like robots.

She made her way up to the throne room where she found Clarke with Abby on her lap passed out.

Clarke apparently was trying to take out a Alie Chip. Whatever that meant.

Then the door opened. It was Bellamy, Murphy, and Pike.

Bellamy pointed a gun at Abby which Clarke explained to him that she used the EMP. Which mad him lower the gun.

Then Murphy asked about Ontari. "I told you, Ontari is no longer an option for the flame." Clarke told him.

"What about me?" Fallon asked.

"What about you?" Murphy asked.

"I'm a night bleeder just like Ontari and" Fallon paused then spoke again. "Lexa were."

"No" Bellamy said scared.

"It should be find. To my knowledge only one Commander died getting the Flame." Fallon told them.

"What?" Everyone questioned.

"They were to weak." Fallon explained. "But I should be able to handle it."

"She our best option, Bellamy." Clarke said.

After a bit of convincing everyone was on board.

Fallon sat in the throne will robot zombies climbed up the tower.

Fallon had her hand open on the throne arm. When Bellamy put his on top of it and interlocked his figures with hers.

She looked up at him in shock but didn't fight it.

Murphy came over and told her to lean forward.

Bellamy, Abby, and Clarke all looked nervously at the girl.

Then he activated the flame and put it on her neck. She screamed in pain.

After a bit of screaming she pasted out.

"No, No, No." Abby said.

"Is she ok?" Bellamy questioned nervous.

"Her heart is racing." Abby answered. "Get that thing out of her head." She ordered.

"No need." Fallon said waking up. "I know what I need to do. I know how to stop Alie. I have to take the chip."

"What, No? Are you insane." Bellamy asked.

"Have have to go into the City of Light. Find the kill switch And the flame will protect. Don't ask me how I know. Because I just do." Fallon explained.

Bellamy gives her the Chip and she passes back out.

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