The Fight

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Chapter 13

The next morning Fallon went to keep up her cover as a intern doctor.

When she was done with her shift she saw the 100 that where at mount weather were being taken out of the dorm 1 by 1.

The doctor asked for Fallon's help and she had no choice but to say yes. She needed to keep up her cover as a medic.

She watched as they took a blonde girl.

Later that day Fallon thought that if she breached the level they were taking the kids from. They would either try and die or have to stay back.

When Fallon plan worked the teens were able to escape the dorm.

The teens hide in the mess hall. They barricaded the doors so no guard or workers could get in. Monty hacked the security cameras so he could see what was going on in the halls.

Bellamy got all of them out and gave them shelter in other people who don't agree with Cage's rooms.

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The next morning Bellamy's priority is on disconnecting the Acid fog. So the army can get into the mountain without that bothering them.

When he realized Lovejoy's (the guard he has been posing as) key card wasn't working.

Then 2 guards came in. He ran away from them. He hide behind a wall then knocked out the guard that's been chasing him.

Later that day he used the vent to get in the room were the fog machine is.

"Hows it going." Fallon said as she climber out the vent.

"Not great. He can't find anything." Raven said over the radio.

"May I?" Fallon asked signaling towards the fog machine.

"Be my guest." Bellamy told her.

Raven told her exactly what to do and Fallon did it. She ended up breaking it.

Then Bellamy found a pressure counter on the fog machine. But he couldn't get a hold of Raven.

Then guards came down they were pointing guns at Fallon and Bellamy who hide behind a wall.

Bellamy ran into the vent first then Fallon did. When they were out of amo they crawled as fast as they could to the end of the vent.

When the precautions Fallon took in went off. The fog machine blow up and took the room with it.

Bellamy and Fallon were flung to the tiny room at the end of the vent.

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Bellamy got to the room were all the grounders were in cages and let as many of them out as they could.

Bellamy explained to Echo the plan. Then cage gave an announcement that they were going to use the 100 to get them on the ground.

He gave Echo the keys and went to help his friends.

Fallon heard the announcement to. Was walking passed one of the people helping them's room. There was a guard taking them.

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