Shadow Valley

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Chapter 32

It took 42 days for Clarke and Fallon to get out of the lab after priamfaya.

Then they made their way to Polis.

On their way they found a rover buried in the sand. So after alot of digging they got a ride.

Clarke even started to teach Fallon how to drive it. She wasn't great at first but after Clarke let her drive the whole way to Polis she had some understanding on how it worked.

When they got to Polis, they found it was destroyed

They tried to get through the rubble guarding the hatch into the bunker but couldn't. There was to much for 2 girls get get through.

Clarke tried to tell them she was there. But no could hear her.

Fallon didn't really try to get in. She knew they would die if they tried to get out. They wouldn't be able to survive the radiation.

She didn't until they found what remained of the commander's throne. That made Fallon miss her sister.

So much that she looked at an old picture she swore never to look at again after their father's passing.

In the picture Lexa and Fallon both had bruises on their arms

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In the picture Lexa and Fallon both had bruises on their arms. The drawer was told to not draw them but he didn't listen.

Fallon didn't want to look at it because it only reminded her of the bad parts of her dad. The part that used to abuse her and Lexa.

Not the part of him that used to tuck her in at night. Or would allows plant a Fallon and Lexa flag on the battlefields he won.

He only turned into a abusive ass when he started to lose people in battle. Every soilder who died took a piece of her dad with them.

Clarke grabbed a piece of the throne and it made their opening collapse.


They decided to stop digging and travel to Arkadia. Which which was also mostly completely destroyed.

Fallon and Clarke started to run out of food and water.

Both of them found ghost that they hoped to forget. Otherwise it was to painful. For Clarke it was Jasper, Maya, and Monty. For Fallon it was her dad, mom, Lexa, little brother Noah who died in a fire, and old commanders who were still yelling at her.


They continued on their travels. Fallon wanted to make it to the other Clans see what remained of them.

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