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Chapter 37

The prisoners locked Fallon up with Kane and Abby.

She was just waiting. Completely zoned out while Abby and Kane tried talking about how to get out.

Then the door opened. A guard came in and took Fallon. He put chains on her wrists. Then he took her to another room with Diyoza waiting.

"Fallon, welcome." She said. The guard made Fallon sit down on the chair acrossed from her.

"What do you want, Diyoza?" Fallon asked.

"Oh I just wanted you to get out of the tiny room with the doctor." Diyoza said but Fallon looked at her completely not believing it. "Okay, I want to know exactly what I am dealing with." Fallon put her chained arms on the table. "And I'm asking you because I don't completely trust the doctor and I know you cooperated once."

"I'm not telling you anything. I might have told you stuff because you were threatening the girl I call my child. But you no leverage that I care about right now." Fallon said.

Diyoza walked over to Fallon and punched her in the face.

"Huh huuh huh huh." Fallon laughed which made Diyoza look at Fallon as if she was insane. "You think I don't know how to stand torture. I grow up where I was allowed to show no weakness. When I was 13 and my mom was killed my dad turned abusive. I still allowed to show no weakness. So if you think a little torture will break me, you are dead wrong."

"Okay, here's the deal, I'll give you what ever you want. Just tell me what my people are dealing with." She said.

Fallon thought for a moment. Then something she wanted.

"2 things. 1 I want a guaranteed that none of my people are harmed. Which means about only 100 of the people from the bunker and 4 of the people on the ground from space." Fallon said. Diyoza nodded. "And I want to know why you need Abby."


"So I know a secret in exchange to guarantee my people's after I tell you everything." Fallon said.

"My people need it because..."

"Not why your people need it. I want to know why you need it." Fallon said which made Diyoza look at Fallon shocked. "I already have my suspicions. But want to hear you say it."

"I'm pregnant." Diyoza said unhappy. "How did you know."

"I see the way you and McCreary look at each other. It is hatred with a touch of regret. Something that could only happen from sex with the enemy. But I also can see you are keeping something from him. Like a one night stand pregnancy."

"Huh, you're smart. You and I would be good friends." Diyoza said.

Then Fallon told her everything Diyoza wanted to know.

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Once Fallon was done dealing with Diyoza, she went back to help Abby.

Her and Kane were looking at the drawing Clarke made for Madi.

"Who is that?" Kane asked.

"I don't..." Abby started but was interrupt by Fallon.

"Madi. That's Madi." She said. Kane and Abby looked at her confused. "Madi is a girl me and Clarke meet when we first came to this village. Clarke took care of her while I took care of Hailey."

"So you and Clarke were left on earth after praimfaya and you didn't kill each other. I find that a surprise." Abby said.

"Oh. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I wanted to. And I know sometimes she wanted to kill me. But it was because life done here was isolated. We had no one else until we got here." Fallon explained. "But we had each other. And when times got hard and we wanted to kill each other we just remember that we only had each other." 

Then Diyoza came in with a patient. She needed Abby to treat him.

Before she left Diyoza took Fallon. She said she "needed her for Shaw to work hard."

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When the got to the control room, Fallon saw Raven with a collar around her neck.

"What the hell?" Fallon asked McCreary "Why are you doing this to her?"

"She was messing with our people in space." McCreary stated. "Now she has to pay."

"Ok I get that. But she is more use as an alli instead of an enemy. I learned that from personal experience." Fallon said.

Then he drenched her in water. He threatened to electrocuted her with the collar if she answer his questions honestly.

Shaw took the remote from McCreary. Then made him leave so he could ask her in a nicer way.

Fallon ran over to Raven. "Are you okay?" Fallon asked.

Raven didn't get the chance to answer before McCreary brought in Murphy. He stuck a knife to Murphy's neck. Then Shaw put a gun to McCreary's head. He made McCreary and the other guards leave.

"Don't tell him anything." Murphy said.

"Murphy, he just saved your life." Fallon said.

"How are you even alive?" He asked.

"Same way Clarke is. Nightblood." Fallon said. "You can tell him."

"She couldn't even if she wanted to. I'm the one who locked the weapons systems." Shaw said. The 3 looked at him confused and angry. Then he explained why.

Then get freed Murphy.

He meet up with Madi, Hailey, and the rest of that group.

Shaw then explained to the rest of the prisoners how to find Murphy and the other people in the woods.

That made Fallon and Raven angry. Diyoza made 2 guards take them to a cell. While the 2 yelled traitor at him

 While the 2 yelled traitor at him

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