The Blockade

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Chapter 20

Fallon heard from some of the soilders that they sent to blockade Arkadia. The sky people had kept attempted to leave.

Then it occurred to her that Lexa death happened before she could warn Skaikru about the blockade.

So she rode her horse to where the guard told her to meet. Then they rode over to Arkadia.

She saw Bellamy and Pike in the guard tower.

Bellamy looked at her shocked. "They brought a message." He said.

"How do you know?" Pike asked.

"Because she." He said pointing to Fallon. "Is their messenger. I've seen this before."

They got down to hear the Grounders out. Then the gate opened.

Bellamy walked out to greet them. "Talk." Bellamy ordered.

"We seek the one you call Pike." One of the guards spoke.

"Why?" He asked.

"An army has fallen. Blood soaking the earth where he took their lives one by one." Fallon explained.

"Welcome to the war against Skaikru." Bellamy told them.

"Life was taken." The other guard said. "We demand life in return."

"My life." Pike said as he walked beside Bellamy. "What are you're terms, sir?"

"Come with us and we walk away Pike." Fallon told him.

"Walk away from what?" He asked.

"By order of the Comm" Fallon stopped herself thinking if her sister. "Late Commander," the words hurt her the minute she said them. But she wouldn't let Pike or Bellamy know that. "You've been surrounded by an army of the 12 clans. In every direction, warrior wait to kill anyone who attempts to cross the blockade. To greet them. As we greeted those we caught outside the walls today."

The solider on her right through a bag of bloody guards uniforms at their feet.

Bellamy looks up at the guard in angrier. "We left their bodies for the animals." The guard said.

"Hosh op. Ai laik chichplei. (Quiet. I'm talking.)" Fallon ordered the guards. "We have said all we need to and more. Her Blockade is for if you walk outside of these walls again. In her justification it was to stop you from massacring innocent Villages."

"They won't leave I've seen this before." Bellamy told Pike.

"The men who wore those uniforms took a long time to die." Fallon told them.

"Bellamy, fall back." Pike commanded. "That's an order."

"If you do not give up your leader, you will all take a long, long time to die." Told Fallon. "Choos the side that is best for your people, Blake."

"I do that every day." Bellamy says as he points his gun at the guard and pulls the trigger.

He dies. Then he shots the other one as Fallon grabs her shield. "Yu gonplei ste odon." She say and then rides away.

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Fallon returned to the Blockaded Grounders alone and pissed off.

She told the army about what just happened and she order any expect for Pike and Bellamy to be killed on spot.

She wanted the other 2 to suffer first.

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