The Red Moon Effect

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Chapter 47

Jackson was giving Fallon stitches and bandaged up. Murphy and Bellamy were just watching.

He was dealing with the wound on her shoulder first.

"Why the hell would you jump in front of me?" Murphy asked.

"I don't know. I'm still trying to figure that out Murphy."

"Well at least we now know what the restraints were for." Bellamy pulled on a chain on Emorie."

Fallon was zoned out. She had been stabbed before, but this time it felt worse. It was like the wound was growing and her whole body hurt.

"Fallon you okay?" Bellamy asked.

She didn't answer.

"Her wounds are superfical. Though the stomach one almost punctured a lung. Your lucky."

She didn't hear that. Though Murphy agreed with Jackson about that.

The others decided to restrain everyone. We all have to separate. Bellamy, Murphy, and Clarke stayed together. So did Echo and Emorie, Jackson and Miller, and Fallon was by herself.

Though she could hear the conversations with Bellamy's group. She heard Murphy talk about Lexa's death.

Her stomach started burning. She lifted up her shirt to see there were black vains popping out.

Miller started screaming. Clarke and Bellamy ran to deal with them.

The next thing she heard was the Murphy took off with the gun.

Fallon's stomach started to burn. She just thought it was a hallucination. She was just crazy and when it wore off the pain would be gone.

A few minutes later, Murphy came in. Fallon was looking at the wound on her stomach. He saw it.

"You see it too?"

"Yeah. But I could be a double hallucination. Miller and Jackson had one. I think right now you are the closest person to sane so come on." He opened my restraints.

Murphy went out side to deal with Bellamy. I just stood right next to him.

They started to fight. Clarke, wasn't doing her part. So Fallon ran over to her bag, took out the anti personnel gas grenade. And through it at them.

It made Bellamy go back to normal. So did Clarke.

"Fallon?" Bellamy asked. She just smiled.

Then the gas grenade kicked in. It was kind of like the one that mount weather used at the drop ship. It knocked them all out.

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The others from the spaceship, came down. They were able to wake up Bellamy and Clarke, but Fallon and Murphy were knocked out cold. Murphy was almost dead because Bellamy was drowning him and Fallon barley had a heart beat.

They both had black vains popping out. But only Murphy's were noticeable.

Then a bunch of kids came. One asked Clarke if she "was her to take them home." She thought this town was their home.

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