False Landing

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Chapter 7

Lexa has not been happy since she learned of the bridge bomb.

She order that if the doctor (Clarke) stepped foot ou of the camp to grab her and make her heal a young girl that the bridge bomb injuried.

And if she could not save her kill her.

She also saw that they tried to send reinforcements but that land didn't go so well.

There was no parachute which mad it to crash and burn litterly.

When they found Clarke she was with Finn and some kid.

They took Clarke and Finn and left the other kid to die in the woods.

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Raven and Finn had just broken up. Raven was mad because she thought Clarke and Finn were making out in the forest somewhere.

So the opportunity presented itself she was in Bellamy's tent. Complaining about Finn.

"Mistaken me for someone who cares. Time to move on." He says. So Raven sits on his bed and takes off her shoes. "What are you doing?"

"Moving on" she replied. She took of her pants and took down her hair. She walked over so she was standing right in front of him. "I've never been with anyone but Finn. Take off your clothes. Fine I'll go first." She took off her shirt.

"If your looking for someone to talk you down I'm not that guy." Bellamy tells her.

"Good because I'm pretty sure I need this as much as you do." Raven states.

"What do you mean?" Bellamy asked.

"Oh come on I see how you look at the Grounder Girl. How you didn't kill her even though you could easily take out the shoters in the trees and guard behind the wall. It's obviously you like her." Rave tell him.

He did like her but he didn't want to. So if he had the slightest chance of doing that with Raven so be it.

He kissed Raven. He took of his shirt.

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The girl was saved they wanted Clarke to stay as their heal but instead she ran to find Finn who they took because they had no use for him.

And the people at camp noticed they were gone and started to look for them but instead found a close to dead Miles.

Lexa decided that once Clarke and Finn escaped she would send a team to kill the space teens.

Fallon was apart of that team.

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