The Bunker

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Chapter 30

In the Bunker,
Bellamy wanted to go back up. He wanted to know who won. But the others wouldn't allow him.

Clarke allowed him to radio the outside. That was where he found out that Octavia and Fallon won.

They agreed to 100 from each clan. Fallon had all hers picked out. Her decision was the easiest. But the others where pickking their people.

Then Jaha stole the radio. He refused to let Bellamy open the hatch. They locked him up.


The Radiation was already taking it's effects on people. One of Fallons people died. Which gave her the opening to save all her people other then herself.

Eventually Bellamy opened the hatch. Octavia hugged him. While Indra, Echo and Fallon watched.

Bellamy looked at Fallon. "I thought she was lying. You really are alive." Bellamy said. Fallon nodded.

"It's good to see you, Blake." Fallon said.

Then the Clan leaders came in. Then Octavia stuck a knife to Echo's thoart. Octavia didn't kill her. She let Echo go.

Fallon got of of her people in the bunker. They were all settled in she was gonna leave quietly.

"Flameholder, chomouda are yu nou staying?(Flameholder, why are you not staying?)" A kid asked which made everyone look at her.

"Ai na nou stay.(I can't stay.)" Fallon stated as she kneled down besides the kids bed.

"Chomouda nou? (Why not?)" A young lady asked.

"The Wonkru deal protected tu hundred gon ai kru gon yu laik tu clans. Dere luik tu hundred gon yu. So der ste no room in disha bunker gon me. (The Wonkru deal only protected 200 of my people because you are two clans. There are 2 hundred of you. So there is no room in this bunker for me.)" Fallon explain.

"No, flameholder. Osir need yu. Yu laik our leader. (No, flameholder. we need you. You are our leader.)" Someone in the crowd spoke.

"Ai know. Ba yu will don Octavia kom skaikru. (I kno. But you will have Octavia from sky people.)" Fallon said. "Em ste the leader gon Wonkru. Osir laik hogeda Wonkru nau. (She is the leader of one people. We are all one people now.)"

"Chit will happen kom yu?(What will happen to you?)" Someone in the crowd asked.

"Ai na gon we the bunker. (I will leave the bunker.)" Fallon answered

Everyone gasped and yelled "No. Yu'll die.(You'll die.)"

"Ai don a better chance den any gon yu. Ai'm a Natibleeder.(I have a better chance then any of you. I am a nightblood.)"

"Hogeda hail flameholder en her great sacrfice. (All hail flameholder and her great sacrfice.)" The crowd said . Then they all hugged her.

They all released. Fallon walked to the door."Leidon ai loyal kru. See yu ona the other side.(Goodbye my loyal people. See you on the other side.)" Fallon said before sshe walked to the hatch. Then she left the bunker.


Once Fallon left, She made her way to the lab. She rode her horse there so it was faster. When she got there, she saw Raven pesing.

"Raven?" Fallon asked. Which made the girl look up at Fallon.

"Fallon you don't look so good." Raven said walking over to Fallon.

"I know. I spent the past 12 hours walking and riding my horse here. So I could have a peaceful place to die." Fallon stated as she sat down. Then she started to to cough up blood. Raven looked at her concerned. "I'll be fine. Just need some not radiation air."

Raven showed Fallon to a bed where she just slept.

She woke up to find the group talking about going up to space. Fallon decided to help them. But she was not planning on going up with them.

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