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Chapter 49

A few day later, Maddie came to sanctum. It was some kind of celebration.

Fallon, Hailey, and Madi where just sitting at the bar, while Clarke was getting checked out by a doctor. Madi and Hailey were given a sample if the cake for that night. While Fallon was given a wine sample.

The girls were talking about their life could be like when Fallon felt the worst burning on her wound.

She just got up and ran to her room up stairs. She layed in bed hoping it would pass.

Then she heard a knock on the door.

So she got of the bed and pulled herself together. She walked over to the door and opened it.

It was Russell. "You're in pain? Aren't you?"

"Nothing I can't handle." Fallon walked back to her bed and sat down.

"You know we can help you." He walked in front of her. "If you don't get treated you will die sooner and in more pain."

"Like I said before, death doesn't scare me." Fallon said. "Some say it's a better fate then life."

"That might be true. But I can see it written on your face, you don't want to leave your daughter."

"If I get treated and she finds out I'm sick and will die, it will scare her. I want her to have happy last memories with me. Not ones that she remembers me dying and really sick. I can put on the act for her."

"I know that is what you want." He said. "But it's not what's gonna happen. On the last day before you die you will become manic and angry. You won't be able to control yourself."

"I guess I will have to die before that happens." Fallon thought for a moment. She came up with an idea. "You will have to kill me."

"What?" He looked at her shocked. "You're people will go to war with mine if I do that."

"I'll write a letter explaining it. But I need you to do this for me. The second I become manic you stick a sword through my wound and wait for me to die. Don't try and save me."


"I won't be able to control myself. I will hurt someone. It might be one of your people. I know you don't want that to happen. So promise me." A tear fell down her eye.

"Fine." Russell hesitated.

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That night, Fallon, Hailey, and Madi were walking around sanctum. They were admiring it's beauty.

"This place is beautiful." Madi said.

"It really is." Hailey stated.

"Clarke said "we're gonna stay for awhile."" Madi said.

"Well that's because it's true." Fallon stepped in front of the girls and kneeled down in front of them. "Is that okay with you guys?"

"Yeah." They said almost insinked.

"You two spend way to much time together." She stood up. "Don't ever let the bond between you 2 disappear."

"It won't." Madi said.

"We're practically sisters. Despite the fact we don't share the same blood." Hailey said.

Fallon kneeled in front of them again. "You don't have to share the same blood to be siblings." She thought for a moment. "Did I ever tell you about me and Lincoln?"

"No." They said.

"Him and I were friends. But he acted more like a brother to me. And I acted like a sister to him. He would always get me out of uncomfortable conversations with boys. He was overly protective of me. I would always ask him for advice on how to lead my clans. He was always a peace maker. He believed we were all one clan, one group of people who were just trying to survive. He was a good brother. Even though we didn't share blood." Fallon got up. "So if you too want to be sisters. Don't worry about blood. Because you two are sisters if you want to be."

"Okay." They said.

"Good, now promise me you will take care of each other."

"Why?" Hailey asked.

"You and Clarke will always be there to do that." Madi said.

"Girls, no ones immortal. Not even me and Clarke. Everyone dies. It's unavoidable."

They spent the rest of the walk in silence.

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