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Chapter 16

Lexa was having a meeting with the ambassadors when 2 guards brought in Queen Nia.

"Queen Nia of Azgeda has confessed to the destruction of Mount Weather, resulting in the death of 49 members of Skaikru." Tituas announced.

They had a pretty brutal conversation before Queen Nia spoke.

"In need no defense. She does. Today is judgement day. And I think she is a terrible ruler. That her own sister doesn't want to be around her. I call for a vote of no confidence."

Tituas order guard to kill her before some of the ambassadors sayed Lexa should no longer be Commander.

Then Queen Nia issues the challenge a fight to the death. Lexa vs Ronan.

,┈┈┈┈․° ☣ °․┈┈┈┈

When Fallon heard about her sister and Ronan's challenge she hopped on the fastest horse she could.

She rode to polis hoping she wasn't to late. From what she heard that was 6 hours ago.

Thankfully when she got there the fight hadn't started.

She hoped that she could sneak past Lexa to get to Nia.

But sadly Lexa had spotted her. "Fallon" Lexa said overjoyed.

Fallon sighed, but walked over to Lexa. "Yeah" Fallon said less happy then Lexa.

"I didn't think you'd come." Lexa said.

"Is that why you are going to fight instead of someone else?" Fallon asked.

"It was a small factor." Lexa replied still smiling.

"Honestly I came because if you died I wanted to see that." Fallon said mad at her sister.

Then she walked of. Lexa just watched her stunned.

Fallon found a spot to watch the fight. She watch as they got their weapons and started to fight.

Then Clarke saw Fallon standing next to her. "did you come to support your sister?" Clarke asked.

"More like watch her die." Fallon replied snarky.

"Why? She's your sister." Clarke said.

"Not after she left me to die. Ai yu don nou sister eni mou. (I have no sister anymore)" Fallon said.

Then Ronan knocked Lexa to the ground. He stood over her spear in his hand.

Fallon got a slight sense of fear. She didn't know why. She had disowned Lexa as her sister. Why was she affair for her.

Ronan stuck he spear down as Lexa rolled away from it. Fallon felt reliefed.

Lexa kicked him in the leg causing him to fall to the ground.

He got back up and tried to hit Lexa will his spear which she avoided.

She stole his spear and knocked him back on the ground.

Lexa stand over him as Queen Nia yells at Ronan.

Then the next thing Fallon saw was a spear go through Nia's stomach.

When she died Lexa yelled to the crowd "The queen is dead long live the King."

Then most of the crowd yelled in agreement. "Long live the King." They all cheered for Lexa.

Fallon walked away feeling both relieved and confused.

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