The Tale Of The Powerful Night Blood Sisters

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Chapter 41

In the morning, 4 guards came into the church. They woke Shaw up and started to zap him.

When they left Fallon helped him up. Then helped him sit down.

"Why are you helping me?" He asked. "I betrayed you."

"I know." She said.

"So why help me?" He asked.

"Because I've been tortured before. But by the people I used to call my own." Fallon said as she grabbed a damp rag and placed it on the cut on his cheek, which made him wince in pain. "I betting it's a worse feeling."

"I think your right." He said before he winced again.

"Hey, you hear a story?" Fallon asked, trying to take his mind off the pain.

"Sure." He said.

"Once there were 2 sisters. Both had the blood of commanders. But their people called them Night bloods." Fallon told him. "The 2 girls were raised knowing they would both have to fight to the death. Meaning on or both of the girls would die in the conclave to decide who is the next commander. The girls names were Lexa and Fallon." Fallon looked down at the water and dipped the rag back in it. Then made it damp. "One day Fallon grew ill, of a sickness that plagued the land. Her family all thought she was gonna die. Then a few days after Fallon symptoms started, the previous commander died of that same illness. Lexa and the rest of the community knew Fallon couldn't fight in the conclave.  So they let her stay in bed, while Lexa fought for the both of them. The next day Lexa walked into the throne room where everyone was waiting. She was holding all the tags of fallen night bloods. She was the new commander. For her first order was to find a cure and give it to Fallon. They were searching for months. But finally found it. So the doctors gave it to a barley alive Fallon. The next week she was completely healthy. So Lexa was the commander. But she recommended Fallon for the job of leader of a clan. Which she got. She became the leader of Ouskejonkru. Then Boudalan needed a leader. So Fallon became the leader of that 2. The 2 sisters are now known as The Powerful Night Blood Sisters."

"What happened to Lexa?" Shaw asked.

"A few year later, a drop ship full of 100 teenagers arrived on the ground. Lexa fell in love with a blonde girl, named Clarke Griffin. Clarke moved into the Polis tower. The flamekeeper didn't like that Clarke was making Lexa weak. Clouding her judgement. So he stole a gun from Clarke's friend Murphy. Then took it and Murphy up to Clarke's room, where he was planning on shooting and killing Clarke. But she fought and ran. Which cause Lexa to walk into the room. Only to get shot." Fallon said with tears falling out of her eyes. She wiped them away. "She eventually bleed out, with Clarke, her beloved flamekeeper Titus, and sister beside her. Once Lexa was dead. Titus cut the Flame, which is a chip that allows the current commander to talk to the past commanders."

"I'm so sorry Fallon." Shaw said as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"It's fine." Fallon said before she continued the story. "Fallon continued her sisters work. Which meant missing the conclave. But the next commander, Ontari didn't last long. She suffered head trauma after the battle against Alli, an evil AI. But All I wasn't defeated. So Fallon took the flame and put in her head. It gave her the information to defeat Alli."

"So does that mean your the commander?" Shaw asked.

"Technically. But I told the king of Azgeda he could be the leader. I never wanted the job. But I still have the flame in my head." She said. "For the past 5 years, everything I've done they've yelled at me for. All expect for one."

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