War is Here

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Chapter 8

The grouder team was on their way to the space teen camp. And the Scouts found the teens attempting to flee.

The chased them back to their camp. And stalked them until night when the team got there.

The space people heard war drums. That told them that the grounders where near.

The teams plan was to get them to waste most of their Amo. So they sent 4 groups to each wall to just run around to make them use Amo and attack if the can.

They didn't realize that the West woods was minefield. The battle leader Lexa sent got a Walky Talky from Murphy. That how they found out.

They decided to attack. The battle leader had a few people stay with Murphy.

They started to run toward the gate to knock it down when the heard a explosion. It was from the sky.

"The Ark." Fallon sayed angry.

"The what?" Anya asked.

"The space station their from." Fallon explained

"They sent reinforcements." The battle leader said also angry now.

They were about to attack again when they heard howling. Coming from behind them.

"Reapers." The grounders started attacking them."Now to the wall" Battle leader yelled When most of the reapers we're dead some stayed to attack the them. While most of them went back for the gate.

They charged to the wall. Fallon went in a tree and shot arrows at the shoters.

The sky people started to throw fire works which blow up the grounders who were near it. Fallon got down from the tree and ran inside the camp.

She made it just in time to see Bellamy getting beat up by battle leader.

There was a strange feeling in her that the sight of that bothered her. She shock it of and saw that people were running inside the drop ship. Snuck inside it without being noticed as not on of their people. She had played this part before she found Octavia.

She pretended that she was a sky person to get some food.

Clarke shut the door but before it was fully shut Anya jump in.

She looked around with swords in her hands. Then she noticed Fallon. She gave Onya the pointer finger on the mouth that signalled shush.

Then Onya payed more attention to the ones trying to kill her.

The teens had planned to use rocket fuel to blow up the grounders outside.

Miller hit Onya on the head and everyone started kicking her. Until Clarke stopped them.

Then there was shaking it was working. There plan was working. Fallon and Onya were inside while there people were dying outside.

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They stayed in the ship until the fire had calmed down.

They dropped the door and started walking out.

When Fallon was out she looked at all her people. Dead all dead.

Then there was gas it was knocking people out one by one. It was the mountain men.

It had no effect of Fallon. They were black hazmat suits. They pointed a gun at Fallon who seemed unfazed.

She had made piece with death awhile ago. She know in the Conclave it would be both or Lexa or her dead. She know if it came down to it she would kill her self before Lexa.

She was up until someone hit her in the back of the head with a rock.

She fell to the ground unconscious.

The last thing she heard before her eyes shut was "Nightbleeder."


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