Acceptable Losses

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Chapter 40

Hailey stayed with Bellamy. She was waiting to hear from Echo. In hopes that she would mention Fallon.


Raven and Fallon were in this church getting food, when they saw Echo. Fallon helped the other people who were brought in get food. While Raven talked to Echo.

They all got water. "Echo, I have to ask you something." Fallon said with her eyes on the water she was pouring.

"Shot." Echo said.

"What happened to Hailey?" Fallon asked.

"She stayed in Polis, with Bellamy and Clarke." Echo said.

Fallon sighed in relief. She had been waiting to hear that since Hailey and her were seperated.

"Thank you." Fallon said before she walked away.


Later that day, Fallon and Raven were stand by the fire whole everyone else was at a funeral. When they heard the door open. It was Shaw.

"We're alone." Raven said. "I told them I don't do funerals."

"I already payed my respects." Fallon said. "You gonplei ste odon."

"What does that mean?" Raven asked.

"Your fight is over. It's what my people say when a warrior is dying." Fallon explained.
"That's our way of passing on our respect to fallen warrior. And that we will honor their sacrifice."

"What the hell do you 2 want?" Shaw asked.
"Letting Murphy go bit me in the ass. McCreay and 2 of our people are missing, and now Diyoza's starting to question my loyalty, so make it quick or I'm leaving."

"I want to be useful here." Raven said. "We can't be locked up anymore."

"Actually, I've been locked up my entire life. So I'm used to it. What I want is to see my daughter." Fallon said. "But if I have to stay here I might as well be useful.

"Useful how?" Shaw asked.

"When I was on your mother ship, I saw the hythylodium tanks. They're almost full thousands of tons. Just one drop, and I can power this entire village. If you fly me up there..." Raven said.

"Hythylodium is killing everyone it came in contact with, so bring it down here just might be the worst idea I've ever heard." Shaw explained.

"So what if Diyoza questions your loyalty?" Raven asked.

"How could you be loyal to someone who collars people like animals," Fallon said as she show her red next from the collar. "Tortures them," Shaw walked towards the door. "Someone who killed your crew?"

"I saw her file. She murdered hundreds of innocent people, blew up government buildings just because she didn't like their policies." Raven said.

"Shaw, you're good." Fallon said. "I can see it in your eyes. I can tell by the way you didn't want to torture me when Diyoza just caught me. You didn't want to torture Raven either."

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