The Extinction of Floukri

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Chapter 25

When Fallon was feeling a little better after an hour she decided to send word to The Rock Line and Blue Cliff.

A couple hours later the rider returned with news. Only least then a 3rd of the Rock Line still survives. With the Blue Cliff least then a 5th of them live.

Fallon felt awful. Least then half her people where dead.

But Fallon felt worse for Luna at that point she only had  of alive.

Fallon was weak and despite Jackson and Abby's every attempt Fallon stuck by a young boys side.

She the boy. His parents died in battle. He was kind, smart, and brave.

Then he started violently throwing up. Realized that this was how most of the others died. All she do now was just comfort him.

When he shut his eyes and stopped breathing Fallon said " Yu gonplei ste odon
(Your fight is over)"

Then she went over to a sick girl. It looked like she was really close to death. Then her stomach stopped going up and down.

Luna and Nyko noticed it to. The 3 started crying.

The sky people moved her to an empty with all the other dead bodies.

Luna and Fallon had gotten better. The sky people though it was a miracle. But they know it wasn't.

It was just their night blood.

Luna agreed them to run tests. While Fallon decided to ride back to the Blue Cliff.

She knew her needed her. So she  packed her bags and walked out of the ship.

That where she saw Bellamy.

He walked over to her. Then he noticed she had a bag. "Are you leaving? You still could be sick." He says.

"Abby says I'm free to go. My people need me." Fallon states.

"I need you." He says which causes Fallon to look at him confused. "Please stay."

"I can't. More then half of my people where wiped out. They need me." She explained.

Before giving him a chance to speak again she hopped on a horse and rode off. While he watched.

Fallon felt bad for Luna. She was all alone now.

But she had to get to her people. Give them medicine. Help them get well.

While was riding off all she heard in her head was "Love is weakness." But a familiar voice had different opinion.

She was saying "Follow love."

Fallon would recognize that voice from anywhere. It was Lexa.

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