Death Sentence

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Chapter 48

A few minutes later, a bunch of adults came.

Murphy started seizing. Then a man came. He brought a doctor. He had a snake suck out the venom.

"What happened to her?" The man was referring to Fallon.

"We don't know. She just didn't wake up like the rest of us." Clarke said.

The man walked over to her. "Lock them up." He ordered the guards.

Clarke and the others protested. But it was no use. The guard took them away.

The man lift up Fallon's shirt just enough to see her stomach. It had black vains popping out from her bandaged stomach wound.

He lifted up the bandaged to see the wound. It had black blood oozing out of it.

The people locked surprised. But not completely shocked. They didn't look like they had never seen someone with night blood before.

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Murphy, Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, Abby, Jorden, Echo, and Emorie were locked in this cafe.

Bellamy was pacing. He didn't know where Fallon was. The last time he saw her she was on the ground unconscious.

The man who saved Murphy's life came in. The group found out his name was Russell.

"Where's Fallon?" Bellamy asked.

"Who?" Russell asked.

"The girl that was unconscious when you locked us up." Clarke said.

"Her. She is receiving medical treatment." Russell explained.

The others went back to the conversation about the women who snuck on the mother ship.

Russell was sending a team to go back to it. Clarke found out that Madi and Hailey were on that ship. So she argeed yo go with them.

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Fallon woke up in this strange white room. She was attached to an IV and a monitor. She pulled out all the wires attached to her and ran over to the door.

"Let me out. I have to get to my daughter." She banged on the door. She looked through the tiny windows in the door.

She balled up her fist and punched the window. It only made a small crack so she hit it again, again, and again until she could fit her arm through it. She found the handle on the other side of the door and unlocked it.

The glass gave her a few cuts on her arm.

She ran down the hallway trying to figure out a way out of it. She saw a guard walking towards her. So she ran at him and knocked him out.

Fallon grabbed his gun and taser. Then she ran like hell.

When she was almost out if the building her stomach started to burn.

She fell to the ground in pain.

Fallon then heard foot steps.

She moved back against the wall and pointed the gun in the direction of the footsteps.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." Russell said.

"Who the hell are you?"


"Tell why i shouldn't kill you right here, right now?"

"Because if you do my people with kill you, then your people. Even your daughter on the mother ship."

Fallon hesitated. But she out the gun down.

"I know what's wrong with you." Russell said. "Your dying. You were stabbed with our 1 and only poison covered knife. Now that is moving to your heart. I'd give you a week at most."

"You know this isn't my first time dying. People have placed bets on how long I'd live for my entire life." Fallon stood up. "And they were all wrong. But I've made my peace with death. And if I die, I will be with my sister and other people I've loved in lost. But think I can tell you with full confidence, I am not dying anytime soon." Fallon grabbed his arm. "Also, don't you ever threaten my daughter again."

Russell nodded his head.

"Great choice." She let go of Russell's arm. "Now take me to my friends."

Russell did what Fallon asked. He took her to the others.

They were all in the cafe. Clarke was wearing a nice dress and there was a girl she didn't recognize, standing next to Jordan.

"Going someone fancy tonight, Clarke?" Fallon asked.

Everyone looked at her.

Clarke ran over to me and rapped her arms around me.

"It's good to see your alive, Murphy." She looked at Murphy.

Clarke released her from the hug.

"Same to you." Murphy smiled.

Fallon smiled back.

The group went back to talking about something called the harvest.

Fallon wasn't really paying attention. Her stomach was burning.

The pain made her actually think for a moment, that Russell could be right. That she will die in the week.

If that was the case she wasn't gonna worry anyone. She would keep it to herself and try to fight it alone.

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